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What is it that keeps a cowboy looking strong, young and ready for another roundup?是什么使牛仔总是看起来强壮又年轻,而且随时能够把牛赶到一起?We'll also have an election roundup from the streets of New York to the Via Veneto.我们还有从纽约街头到威尼托大街带来的有关选举的新闻摘要。Here's a roundup of today's news.现在播放今天的新闻摘要。The police ordered a roundup of all the suspects.警方下令对所有嫌犯进行围捕。First, we have this roundup of the day's news.首先是一天要闻综述。They'd been on a roundup, getting cattle back to the ranch.他们已经在把牛往一起赶,准备回农场。 |