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词汇 round to
例句 I'm just popping round to Mary's to borrow some milk.我正要赶着去玛丽家借点牛奶。The wind chopped round to the west.风向突然转西。He sneaked round to the kitchen.他偷偷溜到了厨房。She swivelled her head round to watch what was happening.她转过头来看看发生了什么事。I got out the telephone book and began ringing round to contractors for estimates.我拿出电话簿,开始四处打电话给承包商,请他们估价。He ran round to open Kate's door for her.他跑过去给凯特开门。I haven't got round to unpacking from my holiday yet.我度假回来连行李都还没有打开。He whipped round to face them.他突然转身面对他们。He was too busy to come and see us, but he found the time to go round to Claire's.他忙得没有时间来看我们,但却挤出了时间去克莱尔家做客。Do get your new boyfriend round to see us.把你新交的男朋友带来给我们看看。The Chandler twins were coming round to the same opinion.钱德勒家的这对双胞胎也最终统一了意见。Gary swung the sail round to catch the light wind.加里把帆转过来使它吃住轻风。I thought I'd drop round to see how you are.我原打算顺便去看看你的近况。He brought the conversation round to her career.他开始转而谈论她的事业。Aileen came round to tea one time, and we did our homework together.艾琳有次来喝茶,我们便一起做家庭作业。I'll ring round to see whether anyone's interested in coming with us.我会打电话看看谁有兴趣和我们一起去。I think the chairman is working round to our point of view after all.我想会议主席终于要转而接受我们的观点了。When are you going to get round to our house?你打算什么时候到我们家来?A crowd of young boys had gathered round to admire the car.一群小伙子围过来羡慕地看着这辆汽车。She sent round to the restaurant for a cup of coffee.她打电话让餐厅给她送一杯咖啡来。What can we do to pull more voters round to our party?我们能够做些什么事去说服更多的选民转到我们党这方面来呢?Fire officers asked the people who had crowded round to stand back.消防员叫围观的人群往后站。He said he wouldn't pay up so I sent my brother round to put the frighteners on him.他说他不还钱,所以我让我弟弟去逼他还。It's been at the back of my mind to call José for several days now, but I haven't got round to it yet.这几天我一直打算给乔斯打电话,但至今没得空。I've got your books – I'll drop them round to your place later.我买到你要的书了,晚些时候我送到你那里去。She looked round to make sure there was no giggling or silliness.她环顾四周以确定没有人咯咯傻笑或做任何愚蠢的行为。Call round to see me anytime.什么时候有空就过来看看我。Why not come round to my gaff for a few drinks?到我家来喝几杯如何?I've got bags of photographs and one day I'll get round to putting them in an album.我有几袋相片,哪天抽空把它们放进相册。I was just going round to see Lindsey about babysitting.我刚要去琳赛家谈照看孩子的事情。The Chandler twins were coming round to the same opinion.钱德勒家的这对双胞胎转而达成了一致意见。Give the food round to everyone at the table.把食物传给桌上的每一位。The wind has sheered round to due east.风向转成了正东。You'll have to work round to that subject tactfully.你得巧妙地绕到那个话题上面。Katharine spun round to face him.凯瑟琳猛地转过身,面对着他。He swivelled round to face Sarah.他转身面对着萨拉。We had to talk to Sam for a long time before he came round to our way of thinking.我们只好和萨姆长谈一次,然后他才转而同意我们的想法。Before I go away I will call round to say goodbye to you.离开以前我要来看你们,向你们道别。They sent a man round to look at the sink.他们派了个修理工过来看看洗涤槽。It really gets my back up when salesmen call round to the house.有推销员上门来的话我会很恼火。




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