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词汇 round out
例句 The wind rounded out the sails as the little boat rushed along.小船驶得飞快,风将船帆吹得鼓鼓的。African percussion and Native American flute round out the show.非洲打击乐器和印第安人的笛子使得演出更加精彩。Bodine and Rogers rounded out the list of top finishers.博丁和罗杰斯充实了优胜者名单。The girl rounded out into a young woman.这个女孩变得丰满起来,像个年轻的妇人了。His face seemed to have rounded out.他的脸看上去变圆了。Two Nobel Prize winners round out the distinguished staff.两位诺贝尔奖得主在工作岗位上均表现杰出。More research is needed to round out the article.需要更多的研究来完成这篇论文。He rounded out his education by spending a year in Paris.他在巴黎就读一年,完成了学业。Winning the tournament was the perfect way to round out her career.此次锦标赛夺冠给她的运动生涯画上了一个圆满句号。She rounded out her education by practising in a large factory for a year.她在一个大工厂里实习了一年,使她所受的教育更趋完善。A few years abroad would undoubtedly round out the young man's education.几年国外经历无疑会让这个年轻人的教育经历更加耀眼。The only way to round out your education is by going deep into the realities of life.使你所受教育更加完善的惟一方法是深入生活实际。Something, probably a better diet, had rounded out his little cheeks.由于某种原因,很可能是因为吃得好了,他的小脸蛋变得圆乎乎的。The original scheme has now been rounded out with ideas from his colleagues.他的原始方案在吸收了同事们的意见后更见完善。




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