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词汇 rotten
例句 Those boards are rotten through and through.那些木板已完全朽烂。The smell of rotten meat assailed her nostrils.腐肉的气味刺激她的嗅觉。He is a rotten performer on television.他在电视上的表演糟糕极了。You rotten swine! How dare you?.你这个讨厌鬼!你竟敢这样?It's a rotten play, so they can stick it.这部剧糟透了,他们趁早拉倒吧。I had a pretty rotten day yesterday.昨天我过得很糟糕。That was a rotten trick!那样做太轻率了! One rotten apple ruined the day for the rest of us.我们好好的一天都被一个坏家伙给毁了。That's a rotten thing to do.那么做很卑鄙。If the roots are rotten, how can the tree be healthy?要是根烂了,树怎么会长得茁壮呢? I'm feeling rotten today.我今天觉得不舒服。I felt rotten about lying to him.我对他撒了谎,感觉很不好。There was a disgusting smell in the house - a bit like rotten eggs.屋子里有股难闻的气味,有点像臭鸡蛋。Poor thing, she must be having a rotten time just now.可怜的人,她现在一定很难受。I feel rotten about what I said.我对我说过的话感到内疚。The whole political system is rotten. 整个政治体制腐败透顶。His teeth were rotten and he had bad breath.他的牙齿蛀了,嘴里有口臭。That's a rotten thing to say!说这样的话真是太刻薄了!I didn't want the rotten job anyway!我反正不想要这份烂工作!Police corruption is not just a few rotten apples.警方的腐败不仅仅是几个害群之马造成的。Their boss is a rotten, miserable tyrant.他们的老板是个卑鄙可恨的暴君。My grandparents used to spoil me rotten.我的祖父母过去极宠我。It smells like rotten meat!像是烂肉的气味!They spoil their kids rotten.他们非常惯孩子。The front bay window is rotten.前面的凸窗腐朽了。Who's the bright spark who came up with this rotten idea?哪个自作聪明的人提出了这个烂主意?I personally think it's a rotten idea.我个人觉得这个主意非常糟糕。I feel rotten today.我今天觉得不舒服。She was a rotten coward.她是一个讨厌的胆小鬼。He's been having nothing but bad/rotten/hard/tough/lousy luck.除了坏运气外他一无所有。She's a rotten singer.她是个很差劲的歌手。That meat smells rotten.那肉有股腐臭味。Demonstrators threw rotten tomatoes at the car.示威者向汽车投掷烂西红柿。On closer examination the wood was found to be rotten.经更仔细的检查,发现木头已经腐烂了。Those kids were spoiled rotten by their mother.那些孩子被他们的母亲宠坏了。When she got home she found every last tomato in the box was rotten.当她到家时,发现盒子里的蕃茄全都烂了。 The children are spoiled rotten by their grandparents.这些孩子们被爷爷奶奶惯坏了。It's rotten hard to get a decent job.要找到像样的工作极难。Molly razzed me about my rotten sense of direction.莫利笑话我糟糕的方向感。He hammered it into me that I had not suddenly become a rotten goalkeeper.他反复告诉我,我并没有一下子变成个差劲的守门员。




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