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词汇 rot
例句 Neither the timber frame nor metal chassis were protected against rot.木构架和金属底盘都没有采取防腐措施。It was after he left the company that the rot set in.公司是在他离开之后开始走下坡路的。Meat may rot if it is not refrigerated.肉若不冷藏就可能腐烂。A man's mind can rot in prison.在狱中,人的头脑会失去活力。We should stop it the minute the rot sets in.腐败一产生,我们就应立即制止住。This latest play is riddled with bourgeois rot.这出最近推出的新戏充斥了资产阶级腐朽的东西。That's a lot of rot!简直是一堆废话Condensation will eventually cause the fabric of the building to rot away.冷凝作用将最终使建筑结构腐朽掉。The rot set in when his parents divorced and he started taking drugs.他的父母离婚了,他又开始吸毒,自此后就开始变得一团糟。You think I'm going to let myself rot in this hole?你以为我准备让自己毁灭在这个鬼地方吗?In many schools, the rot is beginning to set in. Standards are falling all the time.很多学校的情况正开始变得越来越糟,教学水平一路下滑。Too much TV will rot your brain.看太多的电视节目会使大脑迟钝。Eating too much candy can rot your teeth.吃太多糖果,会出现蛀牙。It took internal whistle-blowing and investigative journalism to uncover the rot.内部检举和调查性报道共同揭露了这一腐败事实。If water gets inside the woodwork, it causes it to rot.水进了木器里就会使其腐烂。Those who were convicted were sent to rot in prison.那些判了刑的人被关进监狱,慢慢衰弱下去。The house was riddled with dry rot.屋子因木材干腐而变得千疮百孔。The rubbish in modern landfills does not rot.现代垃圾填埋场里的垃圾不会腐烂。Lack of new people and new ideas often causes dry rot in an organization.缺乏新人和新思想常使一个组织内部腐化。The apples were left to rot.那些苹果被丢在那里烂掉了。We were not worried about the possibility that sweets could rot the teeth.我们以前并不担心糖果会蛀蚀牙齿。The team has enough good players to stop the rot.这支球队有足够的优秀球员来止住颓势。The trees were in bad shape from dry rot.树木得了干腐病,状况堪忧。There is little point putting an indestructible door in a frame that will rot in 10 years.门框十年就会烂掉,装一扇牢不可破的门就没有多大意义了。Have some fruit before it starts to rot.吃点水果吧,别等它烂了。It is perfect rot to trust him.信任他简直是愚蠢。The timber frame was not protected against rot.木框架没有经过防腐处理。It is absolutely scandalous that a fantastic building like this is just left to rot away.一栋如此气势辉煌的大楼就任其腐朽颓败,令人满腔愤慨。The timbers of the roof are full of dry rot.屋顶的木料都干腐了。All those sweets will rot your teeth.所有那些糖果都会腐蚀你的牙齿。Condensation will cause the fabric of the building to rot away.冷凝作用会使建筑物的结构腐烂。The house was riddled with dry rot.这栋房子因木料干腐而千疮百孔。He was left to rot in jail. 他被监禁了很长时间。You are talking absolute rot!你讲的全是胡说! Investigations had revealed extensive rot in the beams under the ground floor.调查发现一层地下的横梁大面积腐烂。The material is weatherproof and will not rot from moisture.这种材料耐日晒雨淋,不会发潮腐烂。Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth.含糖罐装饮料会腐蚀你的牙齿。We must try to stop the rot before the whole school is corrupted.我们一定要在整个学校都被毁掉之前采取行动。The wood on the deck has begun to rot.甲板上的木头已开始腐烂。The dead body had begun to rot, and the stench was overpowering.尸体已经开始腐烂,臭气冲天。




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