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词汇 daylight
例句 They robbed the jewelry store in broad daylight.他们在光天化日之下抢劫了那家珠宝店。She went back out into the daylight.她重又走回到阳光下。It was still daylight but all the cars had their headlights on.还是大白天,但所有汽车的前灯都亮起来了。We got up at the first streak of daylight.我们一天亮就起床了。The crime occurred in broad daylight.这罪行发生在光天化日之下。The attack happened in broad daylight, in one of the busiest parts of town.袭击事件就发生在光天化日之下,还在镇上最繁华的地段之一。Faint glimmers of daylight were showing through the treetops.微弱的日光从树梢中透出。He gunned down a man in broad daylight and got away.他在光天化日之下开枪击倒一名男子后逃之天天。They were waiting for daylight to launch the attack.他们等着天亮发动攻击。The daylight penetrated to the far corners of the room.阳光透进房间,连远处的角落都能照到。They decided to remit their search for the missing man till daylight.他们决定暂停寻找失踪者,等天亮再说。I'd dozed off and on until daylight.我时而打盹时而醒来,直到天明。I arrived before daylight. 我在天亮前就到了。What baffles me is how anyone could escape from the jail in broad daylight.令我百思不得其解的是,光天化日之下怎么可能会有人越狱出逃。The large windows let in plenty of daylight.大窗子可以进来大量的日光。Quinn returned shortly after daylight.奎因在天亮之后不久就回来了。We set the clocks ahead one hour for daylight saving time.我们按照夏令时把时钟往前拨了一个小时。The shutters were closed to keep out the daylight.百叶窗关着,遮住了阳光。The evening turned cool as daylight faded.傍晚的天气随着日光渐弱转凉了。Maria explained it to me again and at last I began to see daylight.玛丽亚又为我解释了一遍,我终于开始明白了。The switchover to daylight saving time represents a one percent saving of electricity annually.使用夏时制后,每年的电力使用量节省了百分之一。As daylight fades into darkness, everyone returns to their homes.天色渐晚,人们都回家了。If possible, it's better to work in natural daylight.如果条件允许的话,最好在自然日光下工作。Mugging, even in broad daylight, was not uncommon.即使是在光天化日之下,抢劫也屡见不鲜的。Thick chipboard across the window frames blocked out the daylight.装在窗框上的厚厚的胶合板挡住了白天的光线。The violent daylight drilled into the room.强烈的阳光直射进室内。There's still quite a long way to go, but we're beginning to see daylight.还有很长的一段路要走,但是我们开始看到曙光了。When he woke, daylight was shining in between the curtains, and his fair-haired enchantress was gone.当他醒来时,阳光在窗帘中闪耀,他迷人的金发女郎已经离去。He was mugged in broad daylight.他在光天化日之下遭到抢劫。For pictures taken in daylight, use a different film.在日光下拍照要使用一种不同的胶卷。The landscape looked very different when we saw it by daylight than it had by moonlight.这景色在日光下与在月光下看到的完全不同。If we start now, we can do the whole drive in daylight.如果我们现在出发的话,那我们白天就能开完全程。It is easier to read by daylight than by lamplight.在日光下读书比在灯光下省力。Now the team need to put some daylight between themselves and their rivals for the championship.为了争取冠军,现在球队需要拉大自己和对手的差距。No matter how much we tried to explain it to her, she just could not see daylight.不管我们如何设法对她解释,她就是弄不明白。Drugs are sold unashamedly in broad daylight.光天化日之下,毒品被公然出售。He drew back the curtains and the daylight flooded in.他拉开窗帘,阳光照了进来。The thin curtains let in the daylight.阳光透过薄薄的窗帘照了进来。Through the aperture he could see daylight.他可以通过缝隙看到阳光。Artificial light is not to be compared with daylight for general use.作为一般用途,人工光比不上白日光。




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