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词汇 day and night
例句 We've been working on it day and night. = We've been working on it night and day.我们一直在夜以继日地工作。In theory I'm on call day and night.从理论上说,我现在昼夜待命。We live in a world of duality, day and night, positive and negative, male and female, etc.我们生活在一个二元对立的世界:昼与夜,正与负,男与女等等。Doctors worked day and night amid scenes of utter chaos.医生们在极为混乱的现场夜以继日地工作。The feeling of guilt gnawed at my conscience day and night.内疚日夜折磨着我的良心。He would have a nurse in constant attendance day and night.会有一位护士日夜不间断地陪护着他。Crews work the quarry all day and night.采石场的工人不分昼夜地劳动。Electricians have been working day and night to restore electricity supplies to the area.电工们为了恢复该地区的供电一直在夜以继日地工作。They labored day and night in wretchedness.他们在痛苦中夜以继日地劳累。Our computers are chirkling away day and night.咱们的几台计算机不分昼夜都在吱吱吱地工作着。This problem has been gnawing at me day and night.这个问题一直让我日夜难安。You can hear the traffic from your room day and night.无论白天晚上你在房间里都会听到车辆的嘈杂声。Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks.很多医生和护士已经夜以继日地工作数周了。The Yellow River rolls on day and night.黄河日日夜夜地奔腾不息。The printing presses run day and night.印刷机日夜都开着。The difference between them is day and night. = The difference between them is night and day. 他们完全不同。The dog guarded the child day and night.狗日夜守护着孩子。I'll work for you day and night, I have it in me.我愿日夜为你工作,我有这个能耐。She had nursed him day and night at the end.她在他临终前日夜看护他。Our team has been working day and night to clear the backlog.为了把积压的事情办完,我们组一直在夜以继日地工作。His problems ferreted him day and night.他的困难使他日夜不能安宁。I had a stubborn cold and coughed day and night.我得了很难治的感冒,日夜咳嗽。My next-door neighbor's dog barks continually, day and night.我隔壁邻居的狗日夜吠个不停。The store is guarded day and night.这家商店日夜都有人看守。Mother nursed the baby day and night.母亲昼夜照料婴儿。You're just sitting here all day and night staring at the idiot box.你就坐在这儿没日没夜地盯着电视看。The reporters camped upon his doorstep day and night.新闻记者守候在他家门口,日夜不散。They were under constant close surveillance day and night.他们白天黑夜都受到严密监视。There's something happening on our street at all hours of the day and night.我们街上任何时候都有事情发生。I will sit by her bedside day and night.我会日夜守在她的床边。We have a big stove which radiates heat day and night.我们有一个大火炉日夜发出热量。During his illness, his wife was by his side day and night.在他生病期间,妻子日夜陪伴着他。West Lake, an outdoor ice-skating rink, attracts skaters during the day and night.无论白天还是晚上,西湖这个户外溜冰场都吸引着许多溜冰的人。Scientists worked day and night to break the code.为了破译密码,科学家们日夜工作。He expects his employees to be at his beck and call day and night.他希望自己的员工不分昼夜地听命于他。Karen trained day and night - winning the gold medal meant everything to her.卡伦从早到晚地进行训练,赢得金牌对她来说意味着一切。




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