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词汇 rock
例句 He began living out his rock 'n' roll fantasy during his last year in law school.在法学院的最后一年,他开始着手实践自己的摇滚梦想。This is not a good time for you to rock the boat.这不是你兴风作浪的时候。The administration was clearly anxious not to rock the boat in its dealings with the unions.政府部门显然极不希望搞砸和工会进行的交易。A big rock blocked the mouth of the cave.一块大石头堵住了洞口。He rapped his knuckles against the body of the sink unit. It was as solid as a rock.他用指关节敲敲洗涤槽—它非常牢固。He hit a rock and snapped the truck's axle.他驾货车撞上一块石头,车轴啪的一声折断了。Check your rope frequently, as friction against the rock can wear it away.要经常检查绳索,因为与岩石摩擦会使它磨损。I flipped over the rock and saw that the bottom was covered with insects.我把石头翻过来,看到底下都是昆虫。Caves are formed by water eroding rock.流水侵蚀岩石,形成了洞穴。A massive rock fall trapped the men as they operated a tunnelling machine.一块坠落的巨石困住了操作隧道挖掘机的工人。They enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous rock band.他们取得了以前任何摇滚乐队都无法比拟的成功。A loose rock tumbled over the precipice.一块松动的岩石从悬崖上滚落下来。A sea dashed the ship to shatters against the rock.一个大浪把船冲到礁石上撞得粉碎。The earthquake made the houses rock.地震使房屋剧烈震动。He had been beaten over the head with a rock.他的头被石块打中了。Someone hit him over the head with a rock.有人用石头击中了他的头。He chiselled the figure of a woman out of that rock.他把那块岩石凿成了一个女人的雕像。We are going rock climbing.我们要去攀岩。What they do offer is a good product at a rock-bottom price.他们提供的确实是物美价廉的产品。Years of playing in a rock band had resulted in a loss of hearing.长期在摇滚乐队里演奏导致听力丧失。Confidence in the city's police force has hit rock bottom.市民对警察的信心已降到了最低点。For the uninitiated, Western Swing is a fusion of jazz, rhythm & blues, rock & roll and country music.对于外行人来说,西部摇摆是爵士乐、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚乐和乡村音乐的融合。I searched desperately for a toehold in the rock face.我努力在岩石表面寻找立足点。His muscles are solid as a rock. 他的肌肉非常结实。After several weeks without rain, the ground was rock-hard.连续数周无雨,地面如石头般坚硬。The boat struck a rock in midstream.那艘小船在河中间撞上一块岩石。Rivers of molten rock were flowing down the sides of the volcano.熔岩的巨流顺着火山的山坡奔流而下。I remember when the Beatles were an up-and-coming rock group.我记得披头四崭露头角的年代。A rough road had been gouged out of the rock.岩石上凿出了一条崎岖的路。Fallen rock is impeding the progress of rescue workers.坠落的石头阻滞了救援人员的救援进程。The immense pressure causes the rock to fracture.巨大的压力造成了岩石断裂。Prices have hit rock bottom.价格跌到了谷底。She sat cross-legged on the rock.她盘腿坐在那块巨大的岩石上。It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a rock record.制作摇滚唱片并不要求你非得绝顶聪明。What has caused the striations in this rock?这块岩石上的条纹是怎么产生的呢?Prices touched something near rock bottom this year.今年物价几乎达到了历年来的最低点。Their marriage has hit rock bottom.他们的婚姻已难以为继。They are rock music addicts.他们是摇滚乐迷。The rock group split up last year.这个摇滚乐队去年解散了。Stuff is breaking loose, like rock from an eroding cliff.一切都分崩离析,就像是岩石从受到侵蚀的山崖上崩塌。




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