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词汇 risky
例句 Buying a home can be risky, but the pros outweigh the cons. 买房有风险,但利还是大于弊。There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall.当我们的一位队友冒险攀爬崖壁时,出现了比较危险的一刻。Her plan is too risky.她的计划太冒险了。Take care! Secret liaisons are risky.小心!私通是有风险的。It's not as risky as people think.这并不像人们想的那样危险。It can be risky to operate on very old people.对老年人动手术可能风险很大。Starting her own business was a risky/bold move.开创她自己的事业是个冒险/大胆的举动。His stock and bond strategies are risky, but he is a determined contrarian.他的股票和债券策略风险很大,不过他是一名坚定的逆向投资者。She trod gingerly. It would be risky to hurry.她小心谨慎地走着,走急了会有危险。It's risky to assume that we know what voters will be thinking next year.自以为我们了解投票人在一年后的想法是很危险的行为。He knew that he was out of condition and it would be risky to attempt the climb.他知道自己身体状况不好,爬那座山可能很危险。It can be a dangerous course of action which might be sound in theory but – ahem – is perhaps a trifle risky in practice.这可能是一种危险的做法,在理论上也许可靠,但是,呃哼,在实践中大概有些风险。Launching a magazine is a risky venture.创办杂志是一项冒险的事业。The directors of the company refused to undertake such a risky venture.公司董事拒绝进行这样高风险的投资。Her financial adviser warned her against such a risky investment.她的理财顾问告诫过她不要进行风险那么大的投资。Investment banking is inherently risky.投资银行业务本来就有风险。If things get too risky, Ken'll probably narc on you to the cops.如果情况太危险,肯很有可能会向警方告发你。All business activities are inherently risky.所有的商业活动本质上都有风险。Starting a new business can be a risky undertaking.创办新企业有时是一项有风险的事业。Paradoxically, it's the parents who try to protect their children most who can make them unable to cope with risky situations on their own.十分矛盾的是,家长越是保护孩子,孩子越是不能独立处理危险的情况。The deal was blocked by the chairman, who was unwilling to commit so much company money to a risky investment.这交易受到董事会主席的阻拦,他不愿意在一项高风险的投资上投入这么多公司资金。Investing in airlines is a very risky business.投资航空业风险很大。The operation is still considered risky and experimental.这种手术仍然被认为具有风险性和试验性。Changing your life can be a risky business.改变生活要冒风险。It's risky, not to say downright dangerous to ski in these conditions.在这种情况下滑雪,即便不是异常危险,也是非常冒险。It's a serious/risky business.这是件严肃的/有风险的事情。He had invested heavily in risky assets like junk bonds.他在垃圾股票这类风险资产上作了大量投资。I wouldn't do it if I were you, it's too risky.如果我是你的话,我就不会去做,这太冒险了。Personal insurance is expensive if you plan to take part in a risky sport such as parachuting.如果你计划参加跳伞等危险的运动,人身保险就会很昂贵。It's a risky idea, if not downright dangerous!这种想法即使称不上绝对危险,也是存在风险的!The company has embarked upon a risky new project.公司已开始进行一个有风险的新项目。Mr Johnson thinks it's too risky, and I tend to agree with him.约翰逊先生认为这太冒险了,我也倾向于他的看法。Horse breeding is a risky enterprise.养马是一项有风险的营生。Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.养马确实是个有风险的营生。The banks made too many risky loans which now can't be repaid, and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped.各银行贷出去太多高风险贷款,目前无法收回,他们还进行地产投机,而地产的价值目前已经下跌了。That investment is too risky. I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.那项投资太冒险了,我决不参与。It's risky, but you can get alcohol under the counter.虽然有些冒险,但你可以通过秘密渠道买酒。It is risky to make snap judgements.匆忙作判断是危险的。The decision is a politically risky one.这个决定在政治上有风险。The proposal seems risky.这项提议似乎有风险。




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