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词汇 竣工
例句 I'm pleased to say the project is nearing completion.我很高兴地宣布这项工程即将竣工When the project is finished, most of Boston's major roads will run under the city.这项工程竣工以后,波士顿的大多数主要道路都将引入地下。The building's nowhere near finished.这大楼离竣工还远着呢。Construction of the dam is nearly complete.筑坝工程即将竣工None of the flats is occupied - they've only just been built.所有的公寓都是空的—它们刚刚竣工Work on the new building is nearly complete.新大楼快要竣工了。His recently completed chapel is attracting favourable comment.他新近设计竣工的小教堂正得到人们的称赞。The building must be finished by the date agreed.大楼必须在商定的日期竣工The project was completed a week past its deadline.工程竣工时间比最后期限晚了一周。The contract contains a guarantee that the building will be finished within 6 months.合同里含有大楼将在六个月内竣工的保证。A similar project for the Stirling area is almost complete.斯特灵地区一个类似的项目即将竣工The project had been incorrectly costed and the money ran out before it could be completed.工程成本计算有误,竣工前资金都已耗尽了。Tragically, she never saw the completed building because she died before it was finished.可叹的是,她在大楼竣工前就去世了,无缘见到它的落成。We need to have more realistic expectations about when the house will be finished. 对于房子何时竣工,我们的期望值要更加实际些。The building was not finished by the completion date.这座建筑并没有在预定完工时间竣工There remains considerable doubt over when the intended high-speed rail link will be complete.人们对于拟建的高速铁路何时能竣工仍存有很大疑问。The project is nearing completion. 这个项目很快就要竣工了。




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