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词汇 risks
例句 Mann stressed the need to educate people about the risks of AIDS.曼强调必须教育人们艾滋病的危险。Today's clever financial instruments make it possible for firms to hedge their risks.如今各种巧妙的金融手段使得各公司防范风险成为可能。The necessary risks of medicines must be weighed against their benefits.必须权衡一下服用药物必然存在的风险与它们的好处。The test used in detecting the disease carries its own risks.用以检测这种疾病的检验方法本身也有风险。No one can succeed in business without taking certain risks.不冒些风险,没有人能在商业上取得成功。He was insensitive to the risks involved in starting a business.他对创业可能带来的风险浑然不觉。Their failure to adequately inform participants of the risks was morally/ethically blameworthy.他们没有充分告知参与者这项活动的危险性,在道义上,他们应该受到谴责。They warned us of the risks involved.他们事先提醒了我们所涉及的风险。These figures are based on actuarial calculations of the risks involved.这些数字建立在对所涉及风险的精确计算之上。The risks gradually escalate.风险逐步升级。Drivers who are considered poor risks have to pay more for car insurance.被认为风险大的司机只得支付更高的车险费用。No one, to my recollection, gave a second thought to the risks involved.我记得,没有人认真地想过其中的风险。They run great political risks by opposing him.他们冒着很大的政治风险反对他。Some people are afraid to take risks because their belief in their own worthiness is so low.有些人害怕冒险, 因为他们妄自菲薄。Don't be afraid to take risks.不要害怕冒险。His competitiveness impels him to take risks.他的争强好胜驱使他冒险。All major decisions entail balancing the risks.所有重大决定都需要平衡风险。Being a legalist, he never takes any risks.作为一个墨守法规者,他从来不冒险。I felt I had been misinformed about the risks involved.我觉得关于所冒的风险,我听到的情况不正确。Significant exposures to toxic compounds present unacceptable risks.大量接触有毒化合物会带来可怕的危险。The advantages of the plan more than compensate for the risks associated with it.这项计划的优点大大地弥补了所带来的风险。They would never allow their precious progeny to take risks.他们永远不会允许自己心爱的子女冒险。Surgical procedures have many risks inherent in them.手术过程本身存在许多风险。People seem very willing to ignore the risks.人们似乎非常乐于对这些风险视而不见。Recent US history has amply demonstrated the risks of foreign intervention.美国近代历史已经充分证明了外国干预的危险。A young Colombian woman risks her life smuggling drugs to the US.一名哥伦比亚年轻女子冒着生命危险把毒品走私到美国。The project has potential risks/advantages.这一项目有潜在的风险/优势。There's no point in taking unnecessary risks.冒不必要的风险没什么意义。Don't take any risks - just call the police.不要冒险行事——给警察打电话吧。We do not expect untrained people to take risks.我们不主张未受过培训的人员去冒险。They overlook the enormous risks involved.他们忽略了可能存在的巨大风险。Throughout history, humanity has had to learn to live with all manner of risks.在整个历史中,人类不得不学会适应各种各样的危险。The new treatment obviates many of the risks associated with surgery.新疗法避免了很多与外科手术有关的风险。It was not in his nature to take risks.去冒险不是他的本性。The risks involved in the procedure should/must be stressed.应该/必须强调这一手术所涉及的风险。As drivers, teenage boys are often overconfident and take stupid risks.十几岁的男孩子开车常常会太自负,去冒愚蠢的危险。The benefits outweigh the risks.利益大于风险。There are serious risks that laboratories may foul up these tests.实验室很有可能搞砸这些试验。Adolescents are more apt to take risks than adults are.青少年比成年人更喜欢冒险。Failure to manage risks hits middlemarket firms.风险管理的失败打击了从事中级市场业务的公司。




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