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The high price of gas these days is scandalous.近日油价高得令人咂舌。Furniture of this style will go at a high price.这种款式的家具将卖得高价。He went into a long rant about the high price of petrol.他开始了关于油价过高的冗长的解释。She has now paid a high price for this impulsive gesture.她现在已经为这个冲动的动作付出了高昂的代价。Slovenia will have to pay a high price for independence.为获得独立,斯洛文尼亚将不得不付出巨大代价。The high price is scaring away possible buyers.昂贵的价格把可能问津的主顾吓跑了。There is still a high price for illegal ivory.非法象牙的价格仍然很高。He set a high price on his services.他把服务费用定得很高。Oranges sell at a high price this year.今年橘子价钱很贵。They paid a high price for that painting.他们买那幅画花了很多钱。The extra effort involved would go a long way in helping to justify their high price tags.他们的额外付出对证明其高价的合理性是极有帮助的。They, too, would be likely to exact a high price for their cooperation.他们也可能会为提供合作而索要高价。Its high price has brought grumbles from some customers.它高昂的价格引来一些顾客的怨言。They exacted a high price for their cooperation.他们为了合作付出了很高的代价。The high price scares away any possible buyers.昂贵的价格把有意光顾的买主吓跑了。The painting ought to bring a high price.这幅画应该卖个好价钱。It costs a pretty penny to keep a car nowadays because of the high price of petrol.由于汽油价格高,现在拥有一辆汽车要耗费一大笔钱。People are being deterred by the high price of property and opting to rent.房价太高,人们转而选择租房。Her success came at a high price. 她为她的成功付出了很大代价。Touring exacts a high price from the players.巡回比赛让球员身体透支。The pollution of our rivers is a high price to pay for agricultural development我们的河流遭到污染,是发展农业所付出的一个巨大代价。My only reservation about buying the car was its high price.买这辆车唯一让我犹豫的就是它昂贵的价格。He tut-tutted his tongue about the high price.他见那昂贵的价格啧啧不已。The high price of imports has forced many companies out of business.进口商品的高价格使许多公司倒闭。He remains at large despite the high price put on his head by the authorities.尽管当局悬赏重金缉拿他,他仍旧逍遥法外。The high price of gas these days is a scandal.近日汽油价格走高引起人们的愤慨。Ivory still commands a very high price.象牙仍然值很高的价钱。I paid a very high price for the house.我出了很高的价钱买下了这房子。Most people know now that getting sunburnt is a high price to pay for a quick tan.大多数人现在知道,晒伤是短时间里晒黑皮肤所要付出的高昂代价。Poets, painters and creative people know that there is often a high price to pay for their clairvoyance.诗人、画家和有创造力的人知道他们常常需要为自己的洞察力付出很高的代价。The high price of property weighs heavily on many businesses.地产价格昂贵困扰着许多企业。It's barefaced robbery asking such a high price for that old bicycle!那辆旧自行车要价如此之高真是无耻的敲诈。Consumers are tired of paying a high price for what is an increasingly inferior service.服务越来越差,消费者已不愿意支付昂贵的费用了。Vegetables are selling at a high price.蔬菜正以高价出售。 |