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词汇 high-pitched
例句 I could hear high-pitched laughter coming from the girls’ bedroom.我能听到女孩子卧室里传来尖厉的笑声。The composition was too high-pitched for the singer.这曲子对这位歌唱家来说调门太高了一些。Deeper sounds carry further than high-pitched ones.低沉的声音比调子高的声音传得更远。The machine emits a high-pitched sound when you press the button.一按这个按钮,机器就会发出尖厉的鸣叫声。She has a high-pitched voice.她的声音很尖。He burst into a high-pitched laugh, as though he'd said something funny.他突然放声大笑,好像讲了什么好笑的事似的。She squealed in a high-pitched voice.她高声尖叫。His voice was curiously high-pitched, reedy, almost effeminate.他的嗓音出奇地高,尖声尖气,有些娘娘腔。The car's brakes produced a high-pitched squeal.这辆车的制动器发出尖利刺耳的声音。The big man had a high-pitched reedy voice.这个大个子男人声音又高又尖。I heard a high-pitched scream of pain.我听见一声痛苦的高声尖叫。She's got this kooky, high-pitched voice.她的嗓门很大,而且怪怪的。Above the music on the radio was an annoying, high-pitched whistle.盖过收音机里放出的音乐声的,是恼人的尖锐口哨声。The commentary was punctuated by high-pitched giggles.实况报道不时被尖厉的笑声打断。The baby's howl turned to a high-pitched whine.宝宝的嚎哭变成了尖声的哀叫。She had a shrill high-pitched voice.她的声音尖利而刺耳。Animals are able to hear high-pitched sounds that are inaudible to humans.动物可以听到人类所听不到的高频声音。She delivered the speech in a high-pitched nasal whine.她演讲时声音尖锐刺耳,鼻音很重。Her high-pitched voice rasped on my ear.她音调很尖,听起来很不舒服。The equipment sent out a regular high-pitched signal.这个设备发出有规律的高音信号。Then, from a long way off, I heard high-pitched laughing.然后,我听到远处传来尖利的笑声。A woman squealed in a high-pitched voice.一个女人大声尖叫。The magazine was a little high-pitched intellectually.这份杂志过于高深了些。Her voice was clear but rather high-pitched.她的声音清晰,但相当尖厉。




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