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词汇 Rising
例句 Rising costs have squeezed profits.成本上升使利润减少了。Rising costs were eating up most of the profits.费用上涨吞噬了大部分利润。Rising to the occasion, he gave a brilliant impromptu speech.他作了一次非常精彩的即兴演说,得体地应付了突如其来的情况。Rising oil prices have piled on the agony and will push some smaller airlines into bankruptcy.油价的不断上涨更是雪上加霜,将会导致一些小型航空公司破产。Rising rivers could inundate low-lying areas.上涨的河水可能淹没低洼地带。Rising fuel costs have forced many airlines to put up the price of air tickets.不断上涨的燃料价格已迫使许多航空公司提高了机票价。Rising prison population and overcrowding add up to a real crisis.监狱里的犯人越来越多,人满为患,造成实实在在的危机。Rising prices parallel increasing fuel costs.物价上涨的同时,燃油费用也在增加。Rising prices neutralize increased wages.不断上涨的物价会抵消工资的增长。Rising prices for consumer goods pinch the pocketbooks of workers' families.消费品涨价使工人家庭的经济利益大受影响。Rising interest rates may choke off consumer spending.上涨的利率可能抑制消费性开支。Rising prices will stimulate demands for higher incomes.物价上涨会引发增加收入的要求。Rising interest rates were an outward indication of the change in government attitude to economic controls.利率上升是政府改变经济调控态度的外在表现。Rising inflation could tilt the economy into/toward a recession.通货膨胀加剧会使经济走向衰退。Rising unemployment is our biggest problem.持续上升的失业率是我们最大的问题。Rising dependence on imported oil would open the doors to higher fuel prices.越是依赖进口石油,燃料价格就越涨。Rising prices might erode purchasing power.正在上涨的价格可能会破坏购买力。Rising oil prices stoked inflation.油价上涨加剧了通货膨胀。Rising interest rates are bad for borrowers.利率的上升对借贷者来说是坏事。Rising prices are scaring off many potential customers.涨价把很多潜在的顾客都吓跑了。Rising mortgage rates will price some people out of the market.抵押率的上涨将使一些人退出市场。Rising tuition costs loom large in the minds of many parents.不断上涨的学费让许多家长忧心忡忡。Rising inflation could pose a major problem for the government.通货膨胀不断加剧,这会给政府造成严重的问题。Rising budget deficit is beginning to bite.预算赤字的不断增加开始产生不良后果。Rising crime sent the island into a spiral of decline.犯罪率的上升使该岛的情况持续恶化。Rising employment and household wealth are bolstering spending.就业率和家庭财富的上升支撑着消费。Rising food prices caused great hardship for most of the population.食物价格不断上涨,给大多数人的生活带来很大的困难。Rising unemployment has diminished the bargaining power of people with jobs.失业率的不断上升削弱了在职人员与雇主讨价还价的能力。Rising gas costs have pushed more families into fuel poverty.煤气价格的上涨把更多的家庭逼到了能源贫困状况。Rising demand tends to push prices up, and falling demand pushes them down.需求增加往往促使价格上涨,而需求减少促使价格下跌。Mrs Gould and her niece are lodging in the Rising Sun.古尔德夫人和她的侄女住在旭日酒店。Rising unemployment led to even more social problems.不断上升的失业率导致了更严重的社会问题。Rising ticket sales bear witness to the band's popularity. 不断上升的门票销量表明这支乐队大受欢迎。Rising rents and travel expenses simply eat into any pay rise that nurses might get.不断上涨的房租和交通费把护士们可能得到的加薪都消耗掉了。Rising prices neutralized increased wages.上涨的物价使增加的薪资化为乌有。




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