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词汇 好了吗
例句 Have you booked your summer holiday yet?夏天的度假旅行你预订好了吗Have the stage workers set up yet?舞台工作人员把布景布置好了吗?Have you wrapped up all your Christmas presents yet?你把所有的圣诞礼物都包好了吗?Has the form been correctly completed?表格已经正确填好了吗Have you completed your application form yet?你的申请表填好了吗I have some shocking news. Are you sitting down?我有惊人的消息。你们坐好了吗Is everyone seated comfortably?大家都坐好了吗Has a date been set for the meeting?开会的日期已经确定好了吗Have you finished taping all the presents yet?你把所有的礼物都捆扎好了吗? Did you bring all your tennis clobber?打网球用的东西你都带好了吗Have you locked and bolted the door?你把门锁闩好了吗Is the tent pegged down all the way?帐篷用桩完全固定好了吗Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.你们坐好了吗?那我就开始了。Are you through with my luggage?我的行李你检查好了吗?Have you finished with the knife?你小刀用好了吗Have you finished with the washup?你餐具洗好了吗?Are your shoelaces done up properly?你的鞋带系好了吗Isn't dinner ready? I'm famished.好了吗?我都饿坏了。Have you finished calculating yet?你计算好了吗




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