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She's a good, warm-hearted woman.她是位热心肠的好人。She pegged him right away as a nice guy.她随即认定他是个好人。He's a grand fellow; I know you'll like him.他是个好人;我知道你会喜欢他的。Thanks for the help. You're a doll. 谢谢你的帮助。你真是个好人。Dan was a kind man, and always thought the best of people.丹是个好人,并且总是把人往好处想。He's a nice person, though he's not very clever.他是个好人,虽然不太聪明。She really is a nice person.她真是个好人。He's a nice guy, but he's a bit thick.他是个好人,但有点傻。There is nothing in the stories you hear; he's really very nice.你听说的那些事儿全是胡说,他实际上是个好人。Inside, he's a good chap.他本性上是个好人。Tim seems like a regular guy.蒂姆看起来是一个好人。We'll vouch for him. He's a good guy.我们愿意为他担保。他是个好人。He plays one of the good guys in his latest film and defeats all the baddies. 在他的电影新作中,他饰演一个好人,打败了所有的坏蛋。In pursuing abolition Wilberforce had shown himself to be a good man.威尔伯福斯致力于废除奴隶制,表明他是个好人。She regarded them as solid, good people.她认为他们都是值得信赖的好人。Thanks for all the help you've given me. You're one in a million.谢谢你给我的所有帮助。你真是万里挑一的好人。In her world of financial schemers, nice guys were thin on the ground.在她那个遍是金融骗子的圈子里,好人寥寥无几。I think Sue's a really nice person.我认为休确实是个好人。Claire's really nice, isn't she?克莱尔真是个好人啊!Dave's a nice guy when you get to know him.戴维是个好人,你了解他后就知道了。He's a good guy. His brother, on the other hand, is a very selfish man.他是个好人,可是他的弟弟非常自私。He came across as a nice guy. 他看上去是个好人。He was a good honest upright man.他是位诚实、正直的好人。As in most of his films, it's the good guys who win through in the end.正如在他的大多数电影里一样,好人最终获得胜利。He may have shortcomings and faults, but he is a good fellow for all that.他可能有缺点和过失,尽管这样,他仍不失为一个好人。A friend steadfast in adversity is a brick.身处逆境而交情不变的友人才是可靠的好人。Thanks again - you're one in a million!再次感谢——你真是个难得的好人!He was a fine man; I'll go further, he was very courageous.他是个好人,我还要说,他非常勇敢。It is not difficult to sort out the goodies from the baddies in a movie.要区别电影里的好人坏人是不难的。She's a real winner.她是个绝对的好人。I can tell from your eyes you're a good man.我从你的眼睛断定你是好人。The foster mother was a wonderful, warm person.养母是一位热心肠的好人。Your father is a fine man, a real gentleman.你父亲是个值得尊敬的好人,一个真正的绅士。She's a nice person, but not much good as a boss.她是个好人,但做老板不行。He's a good person to be with if ever you're in a tough situation.如果你有困难,他是个能与你分忧的好人。He's such a sweetie.他真是个好人。He was a good man who never spoke ill of anyone.他是个好人,从不说任何人的坏话。He's a real love.他真是个好人。If you scratch beneath the surface you'll find she's really a very nice person.如果你深入了解,会发现她其实是个好人。She's a good kind person at bottom.她实际上是个善良的好人。 |