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词汇 right off
例句 I'm right off the newspaper while eating.吃饭时我不再喜欢看报纸了。He said yes right off the bat.他当即就答应了。We let them know right off the bat that we weren't going with them.我们不假思索地告诉他们,我们不打算和他们同去。He told us right off that he wasn't happy about the decision.他立即告诉我们他不满这个决定。All I need to do is lie down,and I can pop right off.我惟一的需要就是躺下来,我马上可以入睡。She turned right off mathematics when they got the new teacher.来了新老师后,她就对数学不再感兴趣了。All I need to do is lie down, and I can pop right off.我只想躺下,而且马上就会睡着。Take the second right off Walnut Street.在第二个拐角向右,转出胡桃街。He seems to have gone right off his food.看来他对自己的食物已经一点也不感兴趣了。Kay answered right off the bat.凯毫不犹豫地作出了回答。They were knocked right off their pins by the heavy winds.强风把他们撂倒。The dress was a perfect fit right off the shelf.这条连衣裙极为合身,恰好有现货。I could tell right off that he was lying.我能马上看出他在撒谎。The handle came right off in my hand.我把把手整个拉掉了。He wandered right off the path.他信步偏离了小道。The note is due; shell out right off.票据到期了,这就付钱吧。He had a fit as he walked home and died right off.他在步行回家途中突然发病,一下子就死了。I could tell it was fake right off the bat. 我一眼就能看出这是假货。The car went right off the road.那辆车完全偏离了道路。I couldn't think of a reply right off.我一时想不出个答复。I turned right off that subject when we got the new teacher.来了新教师后,我对那门学科一点都没兴趣了。He didn't answer right off.他没有马上回答。Exit the highway, take a right off the ramp, then continue down the street until you get to the first traffic light.驶离公路后,右拐进入匝道,然后继续沿着这条街一直驶到第一个交通灯处。He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business.他立刻明白在这一行业中不能依靠任何东西。The handle came right off in my hand.把手一下子就从我的手中脱落。




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