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词汇 righteous
例句 His grandparents were stern and self-righteous people.他的祖父母很严厉,又自视甚高。He's so self-righteous - like he's never done anything wrong in his life.他非常自以为是——就像是一生都没做过错事似的。He was full of righteous indignation about the attack.他对这次袭击事件义愤填膺。Aren't you afraid of being seen as a righteous crusader?.你不怕被人看作是一个装腔作势的改革者?He was full of righteous indignation.他义愤填膺。I've got nothing against vegetarians, but some of them are so self-righteous!我对素食的人并不反感,只是有些人太自命清高!It's OK to criticize, but don't be/get self-righteous about it.批评本身没有错,但不能对此自以为是。They were full of righteous indignation at the thought of being cheated.一想到受骗了他们就义愤填膺。He is righteous in the treatment of his subordinates.他公正地对待下属。Don't give me any of your self-righteous lectures!别对我作那种伪善的说教!He adopted a tone of moral/righteous indignation.他采用了一种义愤的语调。She's a vegetarian, but she's not at all self-righteous about it.她是个素食者,但她对此一点都没有自以为是。Catherine appeared in the doorway, shaking with righteous anger.凯瑟琳出现在门口,由于义愤而浑身发抖。He is critical of the monks, whom he considers narrow-minded and self-righteous.他对僧侣们颇有微词,认为他们思想偏狭,自视清高。He was regarded as a righteous and holy man.他被认为是一个正直而虔诚的人。It ill becomes us to be self-righteous in our criticism of him.我们抱着自以为是的态度批评他,这有失我们的身份。




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