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词汇 Revolution
例句 The town was razed to the ground after the French Revolution.该镇在法国大革命后被夷为平地。The Indian Revolution broke out. Gandhi led it.印度革命爆发了,领袖是甘地。No woman had been put to death in the state since the American Revolution.自美国独立战争以来,该州未有女性被处以死刑。Her early writing was concerned with the French Revolution.她早期作品关注的是法国大革命。Many aristocrats were killed in the French Revolution.法国大革命中很多贵族被处死。The book portrays Caribbean society against a background of the French Revolution.该书描绘了法国革命这一背景下的加勒比海社会。The focus of this chapter is the American Revolution.本章的重点是讲美国独立战争。The American Revolution gave independence to the Colonies.美国独立战争使十三个州得到了独立。The French Revolution ushered in a new age.法国大革命开创了一个新时代。What's distinctive about the French Revolution?法国大革命有什么特点?Babearth regarded the middle classes as the betrayers of the Revolution.巴伯斯认为中产阶层是革命的叛徒。The steam engine was the workhorse of the Industrial Revolution.蒸汽机是工业革命中经久耐用的重负荷机器。The ill-usage of children is the blackest mark against the Industrial Revolution.虐待儿童是工业革命的最大污点。A resident of his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the Revolution.他家附近的一个居民燃放了烟花庆祝革命胜利。Revolution quickly spread from France to Italy.革命迅速从法国蔓延到了意大利。The book goes through every detail of the French Revolution.这本书详细介绍了法国大革命的每个细节。He still proclaims himself a believer in the Revolution.他仍然声称自己拥护革命。The success of the Revolution is explicable in terms of the weakness of the king's government.革命的成功可以归因于国王政府的软弱。The French Revolution changed France from a monarchy to a republic.法国大革命使法国由君主政体变成共和政体。The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history.俄国革命是世界历史上的一个里程碑。The French Revolution was the template for all future revolutions.法国大革命是后来所有革命运动的榜样。The Industrial Revolution happened in a rather unorganized way.工业革命是自发性地发生的。I've got to swot up the French Revolution for tomorrow's test.我得用功温习法国革命史以准备明天的考试。Many members of the aristocracy were guillotined in France during the Revolution.大革命时期法国许多贵族被送上断头台。The American Revolution took place during the long reign of George III.美国独立战争发生在英王乔治三世漫长的统治期间。The film deals with the French Revolution.这部影片讲述的是法国大革命的事。Social unrest adumbrated the French Revolution.社会动荡预示法国大革命的到来。Communist parties were formed on a world scale after the Russian Revolution.俄国革命之后,共产党在世界范围内成立起来。The years of the American Revolution were an epoch in the history of the United States.美国独立战争时的岁月是美国历史上的重要时期。Having gone into the causes of the French Revolution, the book then discusses its effects.这本书详细论述了法国革命的起因,之后又讨论了革命的影响。The Industrial Revolution originated in/from the invention of the steam engine.工业革命始于蒸汽机的发明。I'm reading a really good book at the moment - it's about the French Revolution.我正在看一本非常好的书,是关于法国大革命的。The book is worthwhile reading for anyone interested in the Industrial Revolution.对任何对工业革命感兴趣的人来说,这本书都值得一读。The new bourgeoisie, which was created by the Industrial Revolution, had money to spend and wanted to travel.工业革命产生的新兴资产阶级有钱而且想出去旅游。The American Revolution took place during the reign of George III.美国独立战争发生在英王乔治三世统治时期。Many nobles lost their heads during the French Revolution.在法国大革命中许多贵族上了断头台。During the French Revolution, thousands of people were guillotined.法国大革命期间,数以千计的人命丧断头台。At first the eager young poet was a partisan of the Revolution.刚开始时,这个热情的年轻诗人是大革命的支持者。He referred to a history book to find out the dates of the French Revolution.他查阅历史书来弄清法国大革命的日期。During the French Revolution women manned the barricades alongside men.法国大革命期间,女人和男人一起坚守路障。




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