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词汇 south of
例句 Myanmar is to the south of China.缅甸在中国的南面。The south of Iceland is always liable to earthquakes.冰岛南部常遭地震。They live in the extreme south of the island.他们住在这个岛的最南端。Gatwick airport is a few miles to the south of London.盖特威克机场在伦敦以南数英里处。The track joins the main road just south of the town.小路在小镇的南面和大路相连。France is to the south of England.法国在英国的南边。These small mammals are generally confined to the south of the island.这些小型哺乳动物一般只出没于该岛南部。Thousands of refugees are on the brink of starvation in camps south of the capital.首都南面的难民营里有成千上万的难民因为饥饿而濒临死亡。The meeting will be held at a venue in the south of the city.会议将在城市南部的一个会场举行。The allies lost their hold on the south of the country.盟军丧失了对该国南部的控制。The hills flattened out just south of the mountain.丘陵就在大山以南变得平坦起来。The river disgorges into the ocean just south of the city.那条河就在城南汇入大海。Foreign aid is intended principally for the south of the region.外国的援助主要是为该地区的南部提供的。It's south of London.它在伦敦南面。They are said to control large parts of the east and south of the country.据说他们控制了该国东部和南部的大片地区。Mexico is to the south of the U.S.A.墨西哥在美国之南。The south of England, where prices have fallen furthest, will remain the weakest market.价格下跌得最厉害的英格兰南部仍将是最疲软的市场。The moors to the south of town are grim and unwelcoming.镇子南面的荒野阴森恐怖。He is holidaying in the south of France.他正在法国南部度假。We had a glorious time in the south of France last summer.去年夏天我们在法国南部度过了一段非常愉快的日子。A variety of accommodation exists in outer suburbs south of the river.河南面的远郊有各种各样的住所。After the hour-long service, his body was taken to a cemetery in the south of the city.在长达一小时的悼念仪式结束后,他的遗体被抬到了城南的一所公墓。The scenic route is to the south of the river.沿途景色优美的路线在河的南面。Now that the civil war is over, relative normality has returned to the south of the country.由于内战已经结束,该国南部又恢复到了相对正常的状态。Refugees have entered the south of the country and are spreading northwards.难民已进入本国南部地区,正在向北扩散。The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city.那辆汽车被遗弃在该市南部的一片荒地里。The source of the river is a short distance to the south of here.这条河的源头在这里往南不远的地方。They crossed the island to catch a boat for islands south of Skye.他们横穿小岛,以赶上开往斯凯岛以南岛屿的那班船。The south of the country grows richer, while the north grows poorer.这个国家的南方越来越富,而北方却越来越穷。It's a mile south of here.离这儿以南一英里。After the war, the army made an attempt to assert its authority in the south of the country.战后,军队试图在该国的南部地区维护其统治地位。There is a lake a mile to the south of here.从这儿往南一英里处有一个湖。They retired to a sleepy little town in the south of Italy.他们隐居到意大利南部一个静寂的小村庄里。The rebels have been pinned down in a camp to the south of the river.叛乱分子已被火力压制在河南岸的营地里。Please take note that this city is in the north not in the south of China.请注意,这座城市是在华北,不是在华南。They advised me against visiting the troubled south of the country.他们建议我不要前往该国动乱的南方地区。The deepening recession has also taken its toll in the south of the country, where unemployment is rife.日益加剧的经济衰退也严重影响到了该国南部地区,那里的失业率居高不下。Mexico is in the south of North America.墨西哥在北美洲南部。Spain is on the south of France.西班牙在法国的南面。Such was the reputation of the school that it drew boys from all over the south of England.这所学校有如此声望,把英格兰南部各地的男孩子都吸引了过来。!




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