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例句 All tight rope walkers are daredevils. Any carelessness will result in their death.走钢索的人必然是敢向危险挑战的人,一不小心就会丧命。The president said that all future violations of our airspace would result in serious consequences.总统表示,以后任何侵犯我国领空的行为都将导致严重后果。Failing to comply with an order will result in the loss of your job.不服从命令你就会丢饭碗。The decision will result in the interment of the women's program.这项决议结果将把妇女工作计划葬送掉。This results in internal bleeding.这会导致内出血。Her research resulted in a bonanza of information.她的研究带来了大量的有用信息。Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.其危害可能会阻碍植物的生长,有时还会导致植物死亡。The high number of strikes resulted in near anarchy.频繁的罢工导致几近无政府状态。The war between the sexes should not result in their complete dissociation from one another.两性之间的对抗不应造成两者之间彻底的分裂。Further research has resulted in a more profound appreciation of the problem.进一步的研究加深了对该问题的理解。The disease can result in retinal damage and loss of vision.这种疾病可导致视网膜损伤甚至失明。Copying from another candidate results in automatic expulsion.抄袭其他应试者将被自动取消资格。Government policies have resulted in a decimation of essential services used by the poor.政府施行的政策大大减少了可供穷人享受的基本公共服务。Failure to pay the tax may result in prosecution and imprisonment.不缴税可能会遭起诉、被判入狱。A sudden change in temperature will inevitably result in rain.气温的骤变会不可避免地导致下雨。The management's preoccupation with costs and profits resulted in a drop in quality and customer service.管理人员过于追求成本效益和利润,导致了产品质量和客户服务水平的下降。It could result in a hardening of Allied opposition.这会使反对派同盟更加坚定。A number of the cases have resulted in successful prosecution.这些案件中有数起最终成功提起诉讼。This resulted in overpriced and often inferior products.这就导致了标价过高而往往质量低劣的产品的出现。His meteorological observations resulted in a theory of how tropical storms arise in the Gulf of Mexico.他对气象的观察得出了墨西哥湾热带风暴如何形成的理论。Their harmonious relationship resulted in part from their similar goals.他们关系融洽的一部分原因在于他们有着相似的目标。The agreement should have very positive results in the long term.从长远来看,这个协议将会产生非常积极的影响。The fire resulted in damage to their property.他们的财产因火灾蒙受了损失。A careless error resulted in the loss of the game.一个粗心的失误导致了整场比赛的失败。All our work came to nothing. = All our work resulted in nothing.我们所做的一切都白费了。The recent panic over/about unsafe drinking water resulted in a shortage of bottled water in the stores.近期饮用水不安全引起的惶恐导致商店瓶装水短缺。Treacherous underfooting resulted in scores of injuries.因为立足点不坚实结果弄得遍体鳞伤。This will result in prosecution.这将被提起公诉。Lossy file compression results in lost data and quality from the original version.有损文件压缩会丢失原始文件的数据的质量。You will receive notification of the results in due course.到时候你会收到结果通知的。His thirst for power has resulted in disgrace and ruin upon himself.他对权力的渴求已使他身败名裂。Alcoholism can result in an inability to cope.酒精中毒会导致行为能力丧失。The denial of these ultimates results in mass selfishness.否定这些基本原则会导致普遍的自私。If the supply of vitamins and minerals in the diet is inadequate, this will result in changes in body chemistry.如果饮食中的维生素和矿物质含量太低,将会引起人体化学结构的变化。The play resulted in an out.选手出局,比赛结束。This would result in a massive diversion of funds.这会导致资金用途的巨大改变。Workers fear that the company's reorganization will result in layoffs.工人们担心公司重组会导致裁员。Removal of the natural vegetation has resulted in a loss of nutrients in the soil.破坏天然植被造成了土壤养分的流失。New methods have yielded promising results in the field.新方法已经在这一领域产生了不错的效果。An earthquake in the city could result in deaths beyond number.城市发生地震可能导致无数人死亡。




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