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词汇 reserved
例句 I've reserved a single for you.我已给你订了一间单人房。I have reserved a table at the restaurant.我已在饭店预订了一桌菜。The garden is private, reserved for the use of employees.花园不对外开放,仅供员工游览。In the United States lanes are reserved for cars with more than one occupant.在美国,多人乘坐的汽车有专行道。Beds were reserved for visitors in transients quarters.临时住宿部为过往客人保留了床铺。He was unsure whether she had reserved a room or not.他不确定她是否已预订了房间。Glamorous make-up is best reserved for days when you want to go all out to knock 'em dead.魅惑彩妆最好留到你竭力想把所有人都迷倒的时候。This table is reserved for someone else.这张桌子被别人预订了。The sort of goods once reserved for the elite are now available to everyone.曾经供上层人士专用的商品现在任何人都能买到。Mother reserved her complaint about my messy room until my friend left.母亲等我的朋友走了之后才埋怨我把房间弄得一团糟。We reserved a table for four at the restaurant.我们在餐馆预订了四人一桌的位子。The English are often regarded as being cold and reserved.英格兰人常常被认为是冷淡且矜持的。Most of the audience were reserved seat people.观众中的大多数都是预订了座位的。The judges reserved particular praise for two new artists.评委们将特别赞誉留给了两位艺术新人。The restaurant has a small rear room reserved for habitués.这家餐馆有一小间里屋雅座专门保留给老主顾。I reserved a seat on the train.我预订了一个火车座位。The court reserved judgement on the two appeals.法院推迟了对两桩上诉案件的判决。We reserved a double room.我们订了一间双人房。Reid reserved his most venomous attack for the Rail Authority.里德攻击铁路当局还有最厉害的一招没使出来。I phoned the hotel to make sure that they had reserved a room for us.我打电话给旅馆,确认一下他们是否为我们预留了房间。Are you cautious and reserved, or adventurous and uninhibited?你是谨慎寡言的人,还是敢作敢为、放任不羁的人?He travelled in a reserved seat, untroubled and unmolested.他坐保留座旅行,没有麻烦也不受滋扰。He reserved the right to change his mind.他保留了改变主意的权利。The quarterdeck is usually reserved for officers.上层的后甲板通常是供军官使用的。The seats are reserved under my name.这些位子是用我的名字预订的。Walk straight for five minutes, you will see a swath of land reserved for the construction of the mall.你直走五分钟,就会看到一块保留来建造商城的长方形土地。He had fortunately reserved a seat on the flight.他幸好在那趟航班上预订了座位。A double room had been reserved for him in the name of Muller.已用穆勒的名字为他预订了一个双人间。The table is reserved under my last name.这桌位是以我的姓氏预订的。He's a reserved, taciturn person.他是个矜持寡言的人。She reserved her harshest language for those she believed had betrayed her.她把最狠毒的话语留给了她认为背叛了自己的那些人。They reserved for themselves the choicest plums.他们把最好的留给自己。The English have a reputation for being reserved.英国人以矜持闻名。We reserved two seats in coach.我们订了两张经济舱的机票。He has reserved the movie rights.他保留了该电影的版权。There is no simple or definitive answer as to why he has become so reserved.他为什么变得如此沉默寡言,没有什么简单或确定的答案。The star has a ski slope reserved exclusively for her.这位明星有一个专门留给她的滑雪场地。She seems very reserved.她似乎很矜持。He gave the proposal a reserved welcome.他有保留地欢迎这项建议。He's quite reserved.他不苟言笑。




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