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词汇 uptight
例句 He's feeling a little uptight about his exam tomorrow.面临明天的考试,他感到有点儿紧张。People are uptight about the war and things like that.人们对于战争以及诸如此类的事感到紧张不安。If our flight is delayed, there's nothing we can do. There's no reason to get so uptight about it.如果我们的航班延误了,我们也无能为力。犯不上为这事生气。He gets all uptight if anyone criticizes him!如果有人批评他,他就会火冒三丈!You get so uptight whenever I raise the subject.每当我提出这个问题你就发这样的脾气。He seemed very uptight about my being there.我在那儿,他似乎非常不自在。I tend to get very uptight during a match.比赛时我总会紧张得不行。Maybe if you could discover your inner child, you wouldn't be so uptight.如果你能找到内心的童真,也许就不会那么焦躁了。He tries to be kind, but he always seems a little uptight.他想表示友好,但总是显得有点紧张。She's one of those narrow-minded, uptight people who think that for a work of art to be great it can't be pleasurable.她是那种思想狭隘、一板一眼的人,认为伟大的艺术作品不是让人轻松愉快的。Try to laugh at it instead of getting uptight.试着一笑置之,不要紧张。He was very uptight about his daughter's scraggly-looking boyfriends.他女儿那些外表邋遢的男朋友们令他紧张不安。Tonight he is manic, wired and uptight.今晚,他躁动不安,紧张兮兮的。One set of parents are uptight and the other set are free spirits.这两对父母一对一板一眼,而另一对则自由自在。He thinks his parents are way too uptight and says they should just chill.他觉得自己的父母过于紧张了,叫他们应该放松一下。I don't know why people are so uptight about sex.我不明白为什么人们一谈到性那么拘谨。Penny never got uptight about exams.彭妮从来不会因为考试而紧张。I wish you would stop being so uptight.我希望你别这么紧张。My parents have always been uptight about me dating boys.我和男孩子约会,父母总是很紧张不安的。He gets so uptight about the slightest difficulty.他对一点点困难也会感到非常紧张。The surtax was another blow to an industry already uptight.附加税对于这一财政已经很困难的行业是又一打击。




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