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词汇 repeats
例句 History never repeats itself exactly.历史从不会不折不扣地重演。The cycle then repeats itself.这个循环周而复始。The computer repeats a set of calculations.计算机重复着一组运算。On these TV channels, reality shows and repeats are becoming the order of the day.在这些电视台的节目中,真人秀节目和回放节目越来越多。This cycle of events continually repeats itself.这一系列事件不断重演。Garlic repeats on him.他嘴里留有大蒜的余味。The book repeats some of history's oldest canards.这本书是历史上一些老掉牙的谣传的翻版。You won't be missing much on TV tonight apart from the usual repeats.今晚的电视上就演些通常的重播节目,你不看也不会错过多少的。There's nothing but repeats on TV tonight.今晚电视里没有什么新节目,只有重播的节目。He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard.他鹦鹉学舌,只是拾人牙慧。There's nothing but repeats on television these days.这些天电视净回放以前的节目。This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.该循环周而复始,永无止境。The pattern on the wallpaper repeats every foot or so.墙纸上的图案大约每英尺重复一次。There are too many repeats on TV.电视上的重播节目太多了。He wishes to see more new programs instead of repeats on television.他希望看到更多新的电视节目,而不是重播的节目。I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television.我讨厌看所有这些重播的电视节目。Most of the customers are repeats.大多数顾客都是回头客。Later on in the article he repeats this statement.他在文章的后面部分重复了这一声明。There's nothing except sport and repeats on TV.除了体育节目和重播节目外,电视上没什么新鲜内容。The radio station broadcasts the show live on Saturday mornings, and then repeats it on Wednesday nights.这个节目每周六早上在无线电台现场直播,每周三晚上重播。Cucumber always repeats on me.我一吃黄瓜,嘴里就老有一股黄瓜味。Sally sometimes becomes confused and repeats herself.萨莉有时会糊涂起来,不自觉地重复自己说过的话。




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