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He led a remarkably frugal existence.他过着极其节俭的生活。A second study produced remarkably similar results.第二次研究得出了非常近似的结果。Inflation has decelerated remarkably over the past two years.过去两年来,通货膨胀的速率大大降低了。He was given a remarkably free hand in making all the arrangements.他在制定计划方面被授予很大的自行决定权。Her lifestyle was remarkably free from ostentation.她的生活方式丝毫不事张扬。He's adopted a remarkably light-hearted attitude towards the situation.面对这种局面,他摆出了一种异乎寻常的轻描淡写的态度。Their children are remarkably hardy.他们的孩子非常能吃苦耐劳。Considering her injuries, she's coping remarkably well.考虑到她的伤,她算是应付得很好了。Instead of ending up in jail or in the gutter he was remarkably successful.结果他非但没有锒铛入狱或是穷困潦倒,反而功成名就。He has been remarkably successful at keeping his private life private.他很成功地保护了自己的私生活。The troops have been remarkably well-behaved so far.迄今为止,这支军队作风端正。The population of the village has remained remarkably homogeneous.这个村庄的人口保持着显着的同族特征。But the average young female in this country now is stylish and remarkably confident.但该国普通年轻女子现在都非常时髦,而且极其自信。Your general physical condition seems remarkably good.你的总体健康状况非常不错。Ellen made a remarkably swift recovery.埃伦身体恢复得特别快。The man had a huge head of remarkably black, unruly hair.那个人有一头乱蓬蓬的黑发。The book, so far as I can judge, is remarkably accurate.就我看来,这本书内容相当准确。The troops have been remarkably well behaved so far.部队到目前为止一直都非常守规矩。Maria speaks remarkably good English.玛丽亚讲一口非常流利的英语。He gave a remarkably candid interview.他的访谈非常坦率。She looked remarkably composed throughout the funeral.她在整个葬礼中表现得异常平静。The human body is remarkably adaptive and resilient.人体具有非凡的适应力和耐受力。You've been remarkably forbearing, Ken.肯,你一直有非凡的自制力。She is a remarkably calm and self-possessed young woman.她是一位非常沉着冷静的年轻女子。He was remarkably candid with me.他对我非常坦率。People came remarkably long distances to attend the meeting.人们从很远的地方来参加会议。He has recovered from the accident remarkably well.他事故之后恢复得非常好。The old documents are remarkably well preserved.旧文件保存得极其完好。The book is remarkably accurate and transparently fair-minded.这本书记述确凿,言辞明晰,见解公正。She was remarkably prescient about the outcome of the elections.她预测了选举结果,极有先见之明。Some of these creatures are remarkably long-lived.这些动物中有些非常长寿。The service in the restaurant is remarkably quick and efficient.这家餐厅的服务特别快、特别有效率。Given his age, he's a remarkably fast runner.考虑到他的年龄,他可称得上是个很出众的赛跑运动员了。She is remarkably incurious about the natural world.她对自然界毫无兴趣。The post paid him remarkably little.这个职位给他的报酬极为微薄。The local economy is remarkably resilient.当地经济现在强力复苏。She spoke in a quiet voice but used remarkably coarse expressions.她说话声音很小,但是用了些特别粗俗的字眼儿。She plays the violin remarkably well.她的小提琴拉得特别好。The advertisement was simple but remarkably effective.这则广告很简单,但是效果显著。The rebels’ strategy of guerrilla warfare has been remarkably successful.叛乱者的游击战战略已经取得了显著成功。 |