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词汇 remaining
例句 They had to draw straws in a lottery for the two remaining places.他们只好凭运气抽签决定最后两个席位的归属。She wanted to live out the remaining weeks of her life at home.她想在家里度过她生命中最后几个星期。Most of the profit goes to the retailer; some goes to the middleman, and the remaining portion goes to the producer.大部分利润为零售商所赚,一部分被中间商赚了,余下的那部分归制造商。Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes.在仅剩的几个水坑里,河马根本无法没入水中。She was hanging on to the last remaining shreds of her reputation.她还守着残留的最后一点儿名誉。Add the remaining butter. Once it has foamed up, add egg mixture.加入剩余的黄油,等它一起沫就倒入搅拌好的蛋液。Further floods may have sealed the fate of the few remaining villages.这些少数幸存下来的村庄注定躲不过再发生的洪灾。With the departure of his remaining colleague he was left friendless.仅存的一位同事的离去使得他没了朋友。Cut the remaining half into large chunks.把剩下的一半切成大块。Brush the aubergines with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan.把油涂在茄子上,加盐和胡椒烤至松软。与此同时,在厚锅中加热剩余的油。What shall we do for the remaining half hour?剩下的半小时我们该做些什么?Fry remaining peppers, adding a little more dressing if necessary.用油炸一下剩下的辣椒,如果需要再加点调味汁。The remaining black bears are at risk from development in the area.剩下的黑熊因该地区在开发而受到威胁。He will see out the year remaining on his contract.他会完成他今年的合同。The latest violence has smothered any remaining hopes for an early peace agreement.最新的暴力事件扼杀了及早缔结和平协定的仅存希望。He was determined to use his remaining year with Manchester United for one last tilt at the League title.他决心利用他效力曼彻斯特联队的剩余一年时间最后一次冲击联赛冠军。I packed my remaining possessions into the trunk.我把剩下的财物装进箱子里。The bitter wind sapped the climber's remaining strength.刺骨的寒风耗尽了爬山者最后的一点力气。I think we can plan on remaining here until Wednesday.我想我们可以安排在这里呆到星期三。Drain off any remaining water.把剩下的水排干。In a separate bowl, whisk together the remaining sugar and the yolks.用另一只碗把剩余的糖和蛋黄搅打均匀。Stir in the remaining ingredients.倒入余下的配料并搅匀。He dragged out his few remaining years.他挨过了余下的几年。The few remaining guests were in the kitchen.留下没走的几位客人都在厨房里。Diplomats are remaining tight-lipped about the negotiations.外交官们对谈判的情况仍然闭口不谈。The remaining members of her family gradually died off.她家里剩下的人相继去世了。Their prey can sometimes escape detection by remaining still.有时他们的猎物会静止不动而不被发现。The usual solution is to send in infantry to mop up any remaining opposition.通常的解决办法就是派步兵去肃清残余抵抗。The remaining block of woodland is cut down to ground level.剩下的一块林地被砍得精光。I wouldn't lay bets on his still remaining manager after the spring.我看他的这个经理当不到春天之后了。They protested her remaining in office.他们反对她留任。Dribble the remaining olive oil over the tomatoes.把剩下的橄榄油浇在西红柿上。A fresh attack was mounted on the last remaining rebels.残余叛军遭到新一轮的攻击。When the mixture thickens, add the remaining ingredients.拌好的东西变稠时,把剩下的食材加进去。Finely chop the remaining preserved lemon pieces.把剩下的腌制柠檬片切碎。Mix in the remaining ingredients and serve immediately.拌入余下的配料,然后立即上桌。Combine the remaining ingredients, mixing well.把余下的材料混在一起拌匀。The score is tied, with fifteen minutes remaining.现在比分相同,比赛还剩十五分钟。He slicked down his few remaining wisps of gray hair.他捋平了自己仅剩的几绺白发。The United States, as the world's only remaining superpower, must continue making arms control a central element of its foreign policy.美国作为世界唯一现存的超级大国,必须继续把军备控制作为其对外政策的中心点。




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