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词汇 直觉
例句 You should trust your instincts/judgment and do what you think is right.相信你的直觉/判断,做你认为正确的事。Despite continual pain, he refused all drugs.尽管一直觉得疼,他还是拒绝使用任何药物。I trusted my intuition and ended the relationship.我相信我的直觉,于是结束了这段关系。Intuition told her it was unwise to argue.直觉告诉她争吵是不理智的。You have to trust your gut feeling.你一定要相信自己的直觉I've always found him a most charmless individual.我一直觉得他是个毫无魅力的人。Yesterday I ignored an old woman who asked me for money in the street, and it's been on my conscience ever since.昨天我没理会在街上向我讨钱的那个老妇人,但随后一直觉得良心不安。We've always felt very close to each other.我们一直觉得彼此非常亲近。My intuition tells me that life is a natural phenomenon in the universe.我的直觉告诉我:生命是宇宙间的一种自然现象。Potential investors want to know that you've got strong entrepreneurial instincts.潜在的投资者想知道你们是否已经具备了很强的创业直觉She had an intuition that her friend was ill.她有一种直觉:她的朋友病了。He's felt under pressure since his wife had the operation.妻子做手术以来,他一直觉得压力很大。I had a strange, instinctive feeling that my baby was too big.我有一种奇怪的直觉:我的宝宝长得太大了。It's going to be a good summer - I can feel it in my bones.今年夏天将会特别舒适——直觉告诉我的。Men are often regarded as less intuitive than women.一般都认为男人的直觉不如女人敏锐。I decided to follow my hunch and come and see you.我决定听从自己的直觉,来这里见你。I've trusted my instincts in the past and they've usually been right.我一直信任自己的直觉,而且通常都是对的。I have long felt that you lacked maturity.我一直觉得你不够成熟。She knew at gut level that he was guilty.直觉告诉她,他有罪。My gut feeling was that we couldn't trust her.我的直觉是我们不能信任她。She has been feeling tired for the past few days.这些天来她一直觉得疲惫。I must say I've always found him rather asexual.我得说,我一直觉得他有些性冷淡。You have to learn to trust/follow your instincts. 你得学会相信你的直觉/跟着第一感觉走。My hunch that he was lying turned out to be correct.我的直觉是他在说谎,结果真是这样。I have a hunch that Jodie may be planning a surprise party.我有一种直觉,乔迪可能在计划一个惊喜聚会。I went with my gut and chose Sarah to lead the team.我听从了直觉,选择莎拉领导队伍。Her instinct told her that she was being followed.直觉告诉她自己被人跟踪了。Great novelists have an intuitive understanding of the workings of human emotions.伟大的小说家对人类的感情活动有种基于直觉的理解。I generally rely on instinct when pairing wine and food.我通常依靠直觉来确定用什么酒配什么食物。Against her better instincts, she ran back into the burning house to save her paintings.她不顾自己强烈的直觉,跑回燃烧的房屋去抢救她的画作。My hunch is that she's his mother.我的直觉告诉我她是他母亲。Intuition told me we were going in the wrong direction.直觉告诉我,我们走错方向了。I don't know if it was maternal instinct or what, but I just knew my baby would be okay.我不清楚是出于母性的直觉还是什么,反正那时我知道宝宝会没事的。Parents have a sixth sense when it comes to their children. They know when something's wrong.父母对自己的孩子有一种直觉,出了事情他们就知道。Gardiner is simply trusting to instinct and experience.加德纳仅仅是在依靠直觉和经验。I advise you to think rationally and not to rely solely on your intuition.我建议你进行理性思考,不要单纯依靠直觉I've got a feeling in my bones that things are not quite right.直觉告诉我情况不太对头。In negotiating you have to develop an instinct for when to be tough and when to make a deal.在谈判中必须练就一种直觉,知道何时该强硬,何时该妥协。He was about to retrace his steps when some instinct checked him.他正要往回走,突然某种直觉使他止步。I have always found her mildly irritating.我一直觉得她有些令人厌烦。




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