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例句 At the recommendation of a psychiatrist, the accused will remain under observation.在精神科医生的建议下,被告将继续接受观察。She was ordered to remain silent under pain of imprisonment.她冒着坐牢的危险,被命保持沉默。Worse things remain to be told.更糟的事情留待以后再告。Potentialities remain repressed for lack of issue.潜能由于缺乏冲力而未能发挥出来。The economy will remain strong as long as there are jobs to go around.当人人都有工作可做时,经济就会保持强劲。He felt he wanted to remain part of the team, for good or ill.他觉得还想留在队中,不论结局怎样。I marvelled at my mother's ability to remain calm in a crisis.我佩服母亲处变不惊的本领。Illness enforced him to remain idle.疾病迫使他终日闲着。They tried to remain composed throughout the ordeal.在严峻的考验中他们始终努力保持镇定。Only a few hundred of these animals remain today.现在这种动物只存留下来数百只。Many residents remain at risk from floodwaters.许多居民依然受到洪水威胁。It took all his willpower to remain calm.他竭尽全力才保持了镇定。The seeds will remain/lie dormant until the spring.种子将一直休眠到春天。Many airlines now offer substantial discounts in an effort to remain competitive.许多航空公司为了保持竞争力而提供相当大的折扣。They remain one of rock music's most exciting live acts.他们一直是摇滚乐坛最刺激的现场表演者之一。The songs remain in copyright.这些歌曲仍然受版权保护。I wanted to remain a virgin until I got married.我要在婚前保持处女身。The decision appears to be a face-saving compromise which will allow the government to remain in office.这个决定看来是一种保全面子的妥协,让政府不至于下台。She will remain with the company as nonexecutive chairman after she retires.退休后她将作为非执行主席留在公司。Most pregnant women remain off cigarettes while carrying the child.大多数孕妇都在孕期戒了烟。It'd be better for a place like this to remain closed.像这种地方最好一直关闭。Perhaps it was written that it would always remain so.也许事情早已注定将永远如此。It's important to remain mentally active after retirement.退休后保持敏捷的思维是十分重要的。She was too ill to remain at home.她病得很重,不能再留在家里了。The offer will remain open until further notice.该提议仍然有效,直到另行通知。Many businesses remain gloomy about the prospects for the economy.许多公司对经济前景一直很悲观。A top government official, who shall remain nameless, has expressed concern about the decision.一位不便透露姓名的政府高层官员表达了他对这项决定的忧虑。He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners, but fails.他试图不带感情地对待那些犯人,但是做不到。The temperature is expected to remain in the low eighties.温度预计会保持在八十度多一点。He urged them to remain within the federation.他敦促他们留在联盟中。These chemicals remain in the dock until we have more scientific evidence.在我们获得更多的科学依据之前,这些化学物仍要受怀疑。The court decided that it was in the girl's best interests to remain with her grandparents.法庭认为对小女孩最好的做法就是把她留在祖父母身边。These rights must remain inviolate.必须保持这些权利不受侵犯。We were instructed to remain in our seats.对我们的要求是坐在原位不动。Experts remain unclear as to why the danger appears to have been steadily increasing.专家们依然不清楚为什么危险似乎一直在增大。It will remain as a pressure group, but no longer has any pretensions to be a political party.它仍会是一个压力集团,但不再自称是一个政党。The country's borders remain insecure.这个国家的边境仍不稳定。A third of the voters remain undecided about how they will vote.三分之一的投票人仍未决定投谁的票。Patterson waved to her to remain where she was.帕特森向她示意待在原地不动。Those who remain in the city are in perpetual danger of being hit by bullets and shells.留在城里的人一直处于被枪炮击中的险境。




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