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词汇 relieve
例句 May I relieve you of your coat?允许我替您脱大衣吗?I took a day off to relieve the tedium of work.我休了一天假,排遣工作的无聊。Magnetic board games can help relieve the boredom of long car journeys for kids.磁板象棋可以有助减轻孩子们坐车长途旅行时的无聊感。The offensive began several days ago as an attempt to relieve the town.进攻于几天前开始,试图解放这个城镇。Let me relieve you of your suitcase.我来帮你拿手提包吧。She took an aspirin to relieve her headache.她吃了一片阿斯匹灵以解头痛。To relieve tight or scaly skin, add a teaspoon of fine oil to your bathwater.要舒缓紧绷或干涩粗糙的皮肤,在洗澡水中加一茶匙精制油。It was a clever attempt to relieve him of his fortune.能想到从他那里偷钱真是高明。Aspirin is commonly used to relieve pain.阿司匹林常被用来缓解疼痛。The passengers swallow to relieve the pressure on their eardrums.乘客们张嘴做吞咽动作,以减轻耳鼓所承受的压力。Nothing could relieve my terrible sense of blame.什么都无法减轻我深深的自责感。Some people eat for comfort, to relieve their anxieties.有些人进食是为了寻找安慰,缓解焦虑。This lotion should soothe/stop/relieve the itching. 这种洗液可以缓解/止住/减轻瘙痒。Peppermint leaves are believed to relieve tiredness and nasal stuffiness.据信薄荷叶可以减轻疲劳和鼻塞。Rubbing dock leaves on nettle stings helps to relieve the pain.将酸模叶子揉碎抹在荨麻刺伤处有助于止痛。Do some gentle exercises to relieve the stresses and strains of your day.做一些轻柔的运动来消除一天的压力和紧张。Calculators were introduced to relieve students of the drudgery of pencil-and-paper number-crunching.计算器的使用把学生从枯燥乏味的笔头计算工作中解放了出来。Peppermint has long been regarded as a plant that can relieve indigestion.薄荷长久以来一直被当作是可以减轻消化不良的植物。Drugs can relieve much of the pain.药物能够大大地缓解病痛。He was sent to Cairo to relieve Captain Roberts for a few days.他被派往开罗去接替罗伯茨上尉几天。The President is calculating that this will somehow relieve the international pressure on him.总统预计这可以从某一方面缓解自己所承受的国际社会压力。Exercise is the ideal way to relieve tension after a hard day.劳累了一天,运动是最理想的减压方法。Laughing has been shown to relieve tension.事实证明,大笑能够缓解紧张情绪。Antacids relieve pain by neutralizing acid in the contents of the stomach.抗酸药通过中和胃里的酸性物质来缓解疼痛。They often find they begin to chat to relieve the boredom of the flight.他们发现自己常常是为了打发飞行途中的无聊才开始聊天。This should save her from boredom and will also relieve the pressure on you to keep her entertained.这能使她不会感到厌倦,而且也会减轻你的压力,不必总想着逗她开心。We need to find ways to relieve overcrowding in our schools.我们得想些法子,缓解一下我们学校里拥挤的状况。They began to chat to relieve the boredom of the flight.他们为了给无聊的旅途解闷而开始聊天。He suggested a card game to relieve the monotony of the journey.他建议打纸牌给旅途解闷。He gargled with salt water to relieve his sore throat.他用盐水含漱以减轻喉部的肿痛。In desperation, Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.绝望之际,琼斯夫人只好同意在其右膝上做手术以减轻疼痛。Reducing the swelling will relieve the pressure on her spine.消肿可以减轻对她脊椎的压力。The cat learned to go down into the alley to relieve itself in the dirt there.那猫儿学会了到下面小巷的泥地里撒尿拉屎。The books helped relieve the boredom of waiting.这些书在无聊的等待中起了解闷作用。This will relieve the burden on hospital staff.这将减轻医护人员的负担。He smoked frequently to relieve nervous tension.他一支接一支频频抽烟来消除神经紧张。Most of these medicines relieve mild to moderate pain.这些药物大多可缓解轻到中度的疼痛。The pill will relieve you from pain.这药丸将使你免受痛苦。A massage may relieve your back pain.按摩可能会减轻你的背痛。The President is calculating that this will somehow relieve the international pressure on him.总统预计这会在某种程度上减轻他所承受的国际压力。




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