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词汇 lists
例句 These books shot onto the bestseller lists.这些书一下子挤入畅销书之列。Make lists of what to do and prioritize your tasks.将要做的事情列出来,然后决定其优先顺序。Our catalogue lists all our books that are available for general distribution.我们在目录中列出所有全面发行的书。Chris lists his hobbies as cycling, gardening, and chess.克里斯列出了他的业余爱好,如骑自行车、园艺和国际象棋。E-mail lists and websites fairly crackled with anger as people realized what was going on.当人们意识到发生了什么的时候,电子邮箱和网站都炸开了锅。There are a lot more bite-sized lists and snippets of writing.还有更多简短的作品目录及片段。The content of a repair group is evident from part lists and exploded pictures.修理组的内容在零件列表和分解图中是很明显的。Since several other companies have entered the lists, our profits have been very much reduced.自从其他几家公司加入竞争以来,我们的利润便大大下降了。The files are bulging with letters, mailing lists, and information on the subject.文件夹内装满了信件、邮寄名单以及与该主题有关的资料。I've got packing down to a fine art. I make lists. In fact I make several lists.我对打包行李这事已经非常娴熟了。我会列出单子。事实上,我会列若干个单子。Her books appear on lists of recommended texts in universities.她的几本书出现在大学推荐课本书目上。Teachers will especially appreciate the lists at the back of the book.老师会特别关注书后面的列表。Please eliminate duplication when combining the lists.合并这些名单时,请删掉重复的部分。Vikram Seth's 'A Suitable Boy' is number two in the best-seller lists.维克拉姆·塞思的《如意郎君》在畅销书排行榜中排名第二。Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose vein operations.采取了将所有等待进行静脉曲张手术的病人从名单上删除的简单做法,这一权宜之计使得外科手术等待名单得以缩减。She perused the lists closely.她仔细查看列表。The brochure lists the hotels in descending order of cost.这本旅游指南按价格降序给出了酒店名录。Many matchmaking sites compile lists of potential mates using basic information.许多婚介网站会利用基本信息编制潜在婚配对象名单。The booklet lists the dos and don'ts of caring for dogs.这本小册子中列出了养狗的注意事项。People subscribe to Internet mailing lists in order to exchange information about special subjects.人们加入互联网的电子邮件列表是为了进行专题信息的交流。The CD inlay rather fetchingly lists all the merchandising.光盘的内附卡片以非常吸引人的方式列出了所有的商品。How-to books on dieting are often at the top of the bestseller lists.减肥类书籍常常位于畅销书排行榜榜首。The patent lists six inventors who worked on the system.专利证书上列出了六位参与设计这一系统的发明人。This leaflet lists the dates and times of all the concerts.这张传单上列出了各场音乐会的演出日期和时间。He lists himself as a political liberal. 他标榜自己是政治自由主义者。Tom is a very methodical person and writes lists for everything.汤姆是个非常有条理的人,他把要做的每件事都一一列出。Copies of the lists were posted so that omissions could be corrected.那些名单被张贴了出来,以便更正遗漏。You can find lists of pet-friendly motels on the internet.你可以在互联网上找到一长串欢迎宠物的汽车旅馆。I drew a straight line down the page to separate the two lists.我在页面上画了一条直线将这两个列表分开。Doctors don't like long hospital waiting lists either.医生也不愿意看到候诊长龙。College accommodation offices provide lists of private landlords and landladies.大学住宿部提供拥有私房的房东名单。This brochure lists the hotels in ascending order of cost.这本小册子按照花费由少到多的顺序列出各家酒店。The star lists his likes as "my new Porsche, my girlfriend, and staying up all night."这个流行歌星说他的最爱是“我的保时捷新车、女友和彻夜狂欢”。The new system of waiting lists should guarantee fairness to all patients.新的候诊名单系统能保证对所有患者都公平。Robert scanned the lists for his name.罗伯特浏览名单想找到自己的名字。We have compiled lists of the most popular ring tones in Britain.我们编制了伦敦最流行的电话铃音清单。You just have to sit down and slog through long lists of new vocabulary.你必须坐下来好好地啃一啃长长的新词汇表。On his form he lists his interests as cycling and cooking.在表格上,他列出的爱好有骑自行车和烹调。The book has dominated the best-seller lists.这本书已占据畅销书排行榜的榜首。Surgical waiting lists were reduced by the simple expedient of striking off all patients awaiting varicose-vein operations.采取了将所有等待进行静脉曲张手术的病人从名单上删除的简单做法,这一权宜之计使得外科手术等待名单得以缩减。




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