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词汇 release
例句 There was none of the drama and relief of a hostage release.一点也没有释放人质会有的那种紧张和如释重负的感觉。After his release from prison he followed the straight and narrow.他从监狱获释后走上了正道。He goes to the technical college on day release.他脱产去工学院学习。Exercise triggers the release of chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.运动促使大脑释放出能令人感觉良好的化学物质。The boost to human rights came with the release of prisoners of conscience in Eastern Europe.随着东欧政治犯的释放,人权状况大为改善。They petitioned the Government for the release of the political prisoners.他们向政府请愿要求释放政治犯。He changed his identity on his release from prison.他一获释出狱就改换了身份。This device screws into the shutter release button.这个装置能旋进快门释放按钮。They've filed a request for release from the contract.他们已经提交了解除合同的请求。They believed that changes in national politics would release new forces in their favour.他们相信国内政局的变化会导致有利于他们的新的力量的崛起。The band was white-hot after the release of their first album.发行了首张专辑后,这个乐队很受欢迎。Laughter can be a great release of tension.大笑能有效地释放紧张情绪。Laughter is an important release valve for feelings of frustration.笑是缓解挫折感的重要工具。The release of the book was well-timed.这本书的发行正合时宜。The court was forced to release him on a technicality.法庭由于技术细节问题被迫释放了他。His death was not a tragedy, but a release from pain and suffering.他的死不是悲剧,而是从疼痛和痛苦中的一种解脱。Most boats now tag and release their captures.现在多数渔船先给渔获系上标签,然后将其释放。The gang was screaming for the immediate release of their leader.那帮人吵嚷著要求立即释放他们的头儿。There was a press release announcing the Senator's resignation.举行了一场新闻发布会来宣布这位参议员的辞职。The family is willing to pay ransom for his release.这家人愿意用钱将他赎回。Crying gave some emotional release.哭泣缓解了一些痛苦的情绪。Only the king has the power to order her release from prison.只有国王有权下令把她从监狱里释放出来。Human Rights groups are calling for the release of political prisoners.人权组织呼吁释放政治犯。It is a condition of his release that he stays away from his ex-wife.不纠缠他的前妻是他获释的一个先决条件。The release of the document was shrewdly timed.这份文件的公布很合时。He pressed the release to open the box.他按下开启装置打开了箱子。Is he likely to offend again after his release from prison?出狱后,他会不会再次犯罪?Under the current release schedule, the series will be available on DVD early next year.按照目前的发行时间表,该连续剧的数字影碟将于明年年初面世。He argued that the release of hostages should not occasion a change in policy.他认为释放人质不应造成政策的改变。The company has issued a release about the new software.公司已经发布了这款新软件。Britain is intensifying its efforts to secure the release of the hostages.英国正加紧努力确保人质的获释。An E-FIT of the man prompted hundreds of calls after its release on Tuesday.自从那名男子的计算机模拟画像在星期二公布以来,已有数百人打来电话。Much to the dismay of her fans, she announced her retirement immediately after the book's release.让粉丝们大为失望的是,书出版后她立即宣布退休了。There are a few things you should check before pressing the shutter release.按下快门之前有几个地方要检查一下。The winners will get a chance to release their own single.获胜者将有机会发行自己的单曲。Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him.一旦确认他并非间谍,他们即同意将他释放。He's planning to release a solo album.他正在计划出版一张独唱专辑。The company was under no obligation to release the information.这家公司不承担发布此消息的义务。He obtained a settlement after signing a release.他在一份弃权文书上签字以后谋得了诉讼了结。The rebels promise to release their captives unharmed if their demands are met.叛军保证,如果他们的要求得到满足,被俘的人会安全获释。




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