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词汇 rehearsal
例句 There are always a few last-minute hitches at the dress rehearsal.彩排时总会在最后时刻出现几个问题。During the dress rehearsal she suddenly forgot her lines.彩排时,她突然忘了台词。How did the rehearsal go?排练进行得怎么样?The production of King Lear has been in rehearsal for nearly a month. 《李尔王》这部戏剧已经排演了近一个月。The rehearsal studio is buzzing with lunchtime activity.大家在吃午饭,排练室里很是嘈杂。The symphony is in rehearsal now.这支交响乐正在排练中。There's no time for another rehearsal now.现在没时间再彩排一遍了。At rehearsal my fiddle went blooey.排练时我的小提琴出了毛病。I attended my friend's wedding rehearsal.我参加了朋友的婚礼彩排。The dress rehearsal unreeled flawlessly.彩排进行得完美无缺。He apologized for his outburst at rehearsal.他为自己在排练时的失态道歉。You can sharpen your skills with rehearsal.排练可以让技巧更加纯熟。Susan rolled in half an hour after the rehearsal had begun.在排演开始半个小时后,苏珊才姗姗来迟。The dialogue was worked out by actors in rehearsal.对白是演员在排练时想出来的。Changes to the script are often made during rehearsal.在排演过程中常常改动剧本。We had assembled for the first rehearsal.我们集合起来进行第一次排练。Wednesday's dress rehearsal went fairly smoothly.星期三的彩排相当顺利。The exercises are an ideal complement to my usual rehearsal methods.这些练习作为我日常排演方法的补充很理想。The actors were metamorphosed into a living tapestry of color at the dress rehearsal.彩排的时候,演员们幻化成一幅活生生的锦绣画卷。In rehearsal, everything went smoothly, even the difficult fight scenes.排演的时候一切都很顺利,就连打架这样难演的场面也没有问题。The local election is a dress rehearsal for the national election that will take place later this year.地方选举是今年晚些时候全国大选的一次预演。They didn't have time for (a) rehearsal before the performance.他们演出前根本就没有时间彩排。She was always word-perfect at the first rehearsal.每出戏首排时,她总已把台词记得烂熟。The rehearsal was a total shambles.彩排搞得一塌糊涂。The rehearsal process also irked him increasingly.排练过程也让他越来越厌烦。Taking a long view of the project, I began to think in terms of the rehearsal schedules required.为了对这个项目作长远打算,我开始根据要求的排练计划考虑问题。For the dress rehearsal, the cast will be in full costume.演员们将身穿全套戏装参加彩排。The Princess's trip is a rehearsal for the Queen's visit.公主之行乃是女王来访的预演。The sketch should be a kind of rehearsal for the eventual painting.草图应该是最终绘画的某种演练。These elections, you could almost say, are a dress rehearsal for the real elections.你几乎可以说,这些选举是真正选举前的一次彩排。I'll see you at band rehearsal on Monday!周一在乐队排练时咱们再见!This tournament is a rehearsal for the Olympics.这次锦标赛是本届奥运会的一次热身赛。They're performing every night and they have another production in rehearsal.他们每天晚上都有演出,并且目前正排练着另一个节目。I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。Can you save your rehearsal for later when we have more time?你能不能把你的详述留到我们有更多时间的时候再说? The rehearsal process irked him increasingly.排练过程越来越令他心烦。His symphony was laughed off the stage at its first rehearsal.他的交响曲在第一次预演时就因受到嘲笑而告失败。When 'Can-Can' was in rehearsal, Porter felt that the title song needed a musical introduction.在排练《康康舞》的时候,波特感觉主题曲需要一个前奏乐曲。We only had one full rehearsal.我们只进行了一次全面排演。The actors were metamorphosed into a living tapestry of color at the dress rehearsal.带妆彩排的时候,演员们变幻出一幅活生生的锦绣画卷。




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