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词汇 scraped
例句 The earth was scraped away to uncover a trap door.把土刮掉后露出了活板门。The fish are laid flat on a board and scraped with the back of a knife to remove the scales.鱼被平放到板上并用刀背把鱼鳞刮掉。He scraped the car against the garage wall.他的车蹭到了车库的墙壁上。He scraped his chair back.他把椅子往后拖得嘎嘎响。Her hair is scraped back into a pony-tail.她把头发向后梳成了一个紧紧的马尾辫。She scraped her chair backward.她向后挪动椅子,发出刺耳的声响。Brazil only scraped through the qualifying rounds.巴西队勉强通过了资格赛。She scraped the foam off her coffee.她撇去咖啡上的泡沫。She scraped away some soil and grasped the top of the root.她挖开一些泥土后抓住了根的上部。I scraped my knee painfully on the concrete.我的膝盖蹭到混凝土上,很痛。They pinched and scraped for years to save money.为了攒钱他们省吃俭用了好几年。Ben fell down and scraped his knee.本摔了一跤,擦破了膝盖。He'd only just scraped in.他只是勉强当选。Jim has finally scraped bottom. 吉姆最终陷入了最艰难的境地。She barely scraped a pass in chemistry.她化学考试勉强及格。She scraped up a story about visiting her aunt, but no one believed it.她胡诌了去看姑妈的一席话,但无人相信。Mary scraped her knee when she fell.玛丽跌了一跤,擦伤了膝盖。She scraped the mud off her boots.她把靴子上的那层泥土刮掉。The referees decided that Foreman had just scraped home.裁判判福尔曼勉强获胜。He scraped his spoon noisily around his dish.他用勺子刺耳地刮着盘子。The car's tailpipe made sparks as it scraped the road.汽车的排气管擦到路面时冒出了火花。Both my brothers have university degrees. I just scraped through a couple of A-levels.我的两个兄弟都有大学学位。而我只是勉强通过了几门高级程度考试。I scraped the dirt off.我擦掉了灰尘。She scraped her fingernails across the blackboard.她的指甲吱吱地刮过黑板。Many people scraped and saved to get their boys into boarding schools.许多人为把儿子送进寄宿学校念书而节衣缩食。I scraped the bits of meat into the dog's bowl.我把肉屑刮到狗食碗里。He scraped his van while he was parking it.他停车时刮伤了货车。He only just scraped into university.他勉勉强强考上了大学。He scraped up the money to start a restaurant.他好不容易才攒足了开一家饭馆的钱。She scraped together the last of her savings.她凑拢自己最后的那点积蓄。Labour scraped in by a small majority.工党以微弱的优势勉强当选。We scraped all the old paint off the bike and then repainted it bright red.我们把自行车上的旧漆都刮掉了,然后重新把它漆成了鲜红色。He scraped through the narrow opening.他勉强钻过狭窄的开口处。He had misjudged the distance and scraped the other car.他算错了距离,结果擦上了另一辆车。I scraped through my exams with marks just good enough to keep my place in the school of pharmacy.我勉强通过了考试,成绩刚够我继续留在药剂系里。Her blonde hair was scraped back into a ponytail.她的金发拢在后面扎成一个马尾辫。I've had my chance and I scraped through with my life.我也曾有过机会,可最终还是勉强度日。Someone had scraped the car with a key.有人用钥匙刮伤了车。The bamboos scraped against the back wall of the house.竹子擦著房子的后墙。He scraped out the bowl of a clay pipe.他掏空了陶土烟斗的斗部。




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