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词汇 scrap
例句 His accusations had not a scrap of truth in them.他的指责毫无事实根据。About half of our new steel is old steel, otherwise known as scrap.我们大约有一半的新钢是旧钢,也叫作废钢。I scribbled down his number on a scrap of paper.我在一张小纸片上草草写下了他的号码。The president's proposal to scrap the program has angered many members of Congress.总统放弃这个计划的提议激怒了许多国会议员。The government says it will scrap all of its nuclear programmes.政府表示将废止其所有的核计划。She wasn't wearing a scrap of make-up.她完全没有化妆。Billy Bonds has never been one to avoid a scrap.比利·邦兹经常与球员发生拳脚冲突。Thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and armored vehicles will be cut up for scrap.成千上万的坦克、大炮和装甲车将被切割成废金属。He wrote his address on a scrap of paper.他把住址写在一张小纸片上。We had to scrap our plans.我们不得不放弃我们的计划。They hadn't found a scrap of evidence though they had turned his flat inside out.他们虽然把他的公寓翻了个底朝天,却没有找到一丝证据。They piled up scrap wood, boxes and other junk and made a big bonfire.他们把碎木、盒子及其他废旧杂物堆起来点起一堆很大的篝火。He scribbled the number on a scrap of paper.他在一张碎纸片上潦草地写下号码。There's no alternative but to scrap the whole plan and start again.除了废弃整个计划重新开始之外,别无选择。Dr Engelmann had filed the scrap of wild vine away as a curiosity.恩格尔曼博士将这一段野藤蔓存档,视为珍宝。Thousands of Europe's tanks and guns are going to the scrap heap.欧洲成千上万的坦克和枪支将被淘汰。I caught notice of a small scrap of paper on my desk.我注意到书桌上有一个小纸片。They need every scrap of information they can get.他们需要一切可以获得的信息。He had a bit of a scrap with the boy next door.他和隔壁的男孩有点儿争执。I made some notes on a piece of scrap paper.我在小纸片上记了一些笔记。Every scrap of evidence has to be investigated.每一丁点儿证据都得进行调查。Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value.有的小偷懒得为了一点蝇头小利去把偷来的银器熔掉。They melted down metal scrap.他们把废金属熔化掉。He read the article straight through, looking for any scrap of information that might have passed him by.他将那篇文章从头读到尾,寻找先前可能漏看的任何一点零星信息。Many of these aircraft will end up as scrap aluminium.这些飞机里有很多将被拆解成废铝材料。He went to prison for receiving stolen scrap iron.他因为收购偷来的废铁而入狱。Two kids got into a bit of a scrap.两个小孩动手打了起来。We may be obliged to scrap the project if we don't get more funding.要是得不到更多资金的话,我们可能只得放弃这一项目了。Those two will scrap at the least provocation.这两个人一言不合就会扭打起来。There isn't a single scrap of evidence.一点证据都没有。He obtained every scrap of information available.他获得了所有可得到的信息。There's always tons of scrap paper in Dad's office.爸爸的办公室里总是有无数废纸。There is not a scrap/shred of evidence in her favor.没有任何对她有利的证据。She makes her sculptures out of odd pieces of scrap metal.她用废金属的碎块制作雕塑品。A crumpled scrap of paper was found in her handbag.在她的手提包里发现了一张皱巴巴的小纸片。He ate every last scrap of the food.他把食物吃得干干净净的。You can appeal if you like, but it won't make a scrap of difference.如果你愿意你可以提出申诉,但这没什么用处。This scrap of paper will answer.用这张纸片也行。He looks like he's been in a scrap.他看上去好像跟人打过架。Every scrap of land is used for growing food.每一小片土地都用来种植粮食。




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