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词汇 rehabilitation
例句 Hubbard was well known for his work in the field of drug rehabilitation.哈伯德因在戒毒康复领域所做的工作而为人所熟知。The party has taken an important step towards the rehabilitation of the disgraced MP.为恢复这位声名扫地的议员的名誉,该党迈出了重要的一步。There remains a small number of patients for whom rehabilitation does work.仍然有一小部分病人康复治疗是见效的。His rehabilitation was successful.他的康复治疗很成功。Money will be directed primarily towards the maintenance and rehabilitation of schools, clinics and machinery.资金将主要用于学校、诊所和机器设备的维护和修缮。The prison service pursues the twin goals of the punishment and rehabilitation of offenders.监狱要达到的是惩罚犯人和改造犯人的双重目标。Conference members agreed on an overall approach to drug abuse that focuses on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.与会人士一致赞成在滥用药物问题上采取以预防、治疗和康复为重的全面措施。He entered an alcohol rehabilitation programme / program.他参与了一项戒酒康复计划。Many amputees in the early stages of their rehabilitation feel despair.在康复初期,许多截肢病人感到绝望。Expert advice and support are the basis for the rehabilitation programme.专家的意见与支持是这个康复计划的基础。




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