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词汇 referee
例句 When the captains could not agree it was the referee's casting vote which meant the match went ahead.正当两队队长意见不一致的时候,裁判决定比赛继续进行。The referee should never have allowed the first goal.那名裁判决不应判第一个进球有效。The referee said it was a legal play.裁判称打法符合规则。The referee is the sole judge of the rules.仲裁员是这些规则的唯一仲裁人。Lawrence kept on butting me but the referee did not warn him.劳伦斯一直用头撞我,但是裁判并没有警告他。Jerome Bettis correctly called tails but the referee understood him to say heads.杰罗姆·贝蒂斯猜对了,是反面,但裁判却以为他说的是正面。Beckham scored only minutes before the referee blew the final whistle.贝克汉姆就在裁判吹响终场哨声前几分钟进球得分。They were rather less than charitable towards the referee.他们对裁判根本不体谅。His former employer agreed to act as a referee for him.他的前任雇主同意做他的推荐人。His headmaster agreed to act as his referee.他的校长同意做他的推荐人。The referee called her for traveling.裁判判她持球走步。The referee stepped in because the game had started to get a little too physical.因为比赛开始变得有些粗野了,所以裁判进行了干涉。The fans hurled/shouted insults at the referee as he walked off the field after the game.赛后裁判员离场时,球迷们对他大骂/大喊。He remonstrated with the referee.他与裁判争辩。The referee's decision is final.裁判的决定是不可更改的。When he kicked me, the referee was looking the other way.他踢我的时候,裁判故意扭头不看。 He acts as the referee: setting the rules and arbitrating between opposing parties.他充当裁判:设定规则并为对立双方进行仲裁。The referee did not call a foul on the player.裁判没有吹哨判那名球员犯规。The referee whistled and the game was over.裁判吹响了哨子,比赛结束了。He pushed the referee in a fit of temper.他一气之下推了裁判员。The referee contented himself with a broad smile.裁判满意地喜笑颜开。The referee's whistle went just before the ball crossed the line.球刚要过线,裁判的哨子就响了。He has apologised for critical remarks he made about the referee.他为自己对裁判的出言不逊道了歉。He made his position worse by raving at the referee.他冲裁判大吼大叫,处境更糟了。A spectator ran onto the field and attacked the referee.一位观众跑到场上去殴打裁判。The referee ignored voices baying for a penalty.裁判不理睬人们要求罚球的叫嚷声。He was disqualified for failing to comply with the referee's instructions.因为不服从裁判的指令,他被取消了资格。Then the referee started to blow his whistle and bellow at me.后来裁判吹起哨子,冲我大喊。The football supporters began throwing missiles, one of which hit the referee.足球迷们开始扔东西,其中还砸到了裁判一次。Football fans ran onto the field and surrounded the referee.球迷们冲进球场围住了裁判。The coach was jawing with/at the referee.那名教练正在和裁判愤怒地争执。The referee rightly booked Thomas for time-wasting. 裁判员判托马斯浪费时间,这个决定是正确的。The referee whistles and play is resumed.裁判吹哨示意,比赛继续进行。The fans were verbally abusing the referee.球迷们正在辱骂裁判。The crowd implored the referee to sound the final whistle.观众恳求裁判吹响终场哨。He took the spot-kick, but the goalkeeper saved his shot, only to see the referee order a retake because the goalkeeper had moved before the ball was kicked.他踢出点球,但被守门员扑住,不料被裁判判定重罚,理由是球踢出前守门员已经移动了。The referee tooted his whistle.裁判员吹响了哨子。The referee awarded a free kick to the home team.裁判判给主队一个任意球。The referee needed a police escort as he left the stadium.裁判在离开运动场时需要警察护卫。The coach upheld the referee's decision.教练赞同裁判的裁决。




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