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Hand symbols in the main body of the text cross-refer the reader to the appendices.正文中的手形符号是提示读者参见附录。Please refer to the training/employee manual if you have any questions about your job.如果工作上有任何疑问,请查看培训/雇员手册。I can refer you to a good dentist.我可以给你推荐一名好的牙医。In this dictionary capital letters are used to cross-refer from one word to another.在这本词典中,大写字母被用来指引读者从一个词去参看另一个词。I had to refer to the instruction booklet.我得查查说明手册。I'm more than happy to refer my clients for a pedicure.我很乐意推荐客户去做足部护理。I refer to the captioned matter.我指的是标题上说的事。If you don't number your answers, how will I know which questions they refer to?如果你不给答案标上号码,我怎么知道你答的是哪一题?I will refer to child abuse generically (which includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect).我将此统称为虐待儿童(包括身体和情感上的虐待、性虐待及疏于照管)。These notes refer to the case of a teenage murderer.这些记录是有关一桩青少年谋杀犯的案子的。Please refer to our catalogue for details of all our products.对于本公司所有产品的详细情况请查阅商品目录。They come from Tuam, a place they refer to on the title track of their album, `All the Way From Tuam'.他们来自蒂厄姆,就是那个在他们的专辑同名歌曲《一路行自蒂厄姆》中提及的地方。I refer you to a paper by Sutherland published recently.我推荐你去查查萨瑟兰最近发表的一篇论文。The figures refer to our sales in Europe.这些数字是我们在欧洲的销售额。Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has already been mentioned.代词常用于指代已提到过的名词。Please refer to the illustration overleaf.请参看本页背面的插图。People refer to these different medical conditions collectively as heart disease.人们把这些不同的病情统称为心脏病。The next two items refer to actual expenditures incurred, rather than estimates.下面两项指实际花销,而不是估算额。They come from Tuam, a place they refer to on the title track of their album, 'All the Way From Tuam'.他们来自蒂厄姆,就是那个在他们专辑同名歌曲《一路行自蒂厄姆》中提及的地方。For specific instructions on loading the software, please refer to the guide.关于安装软件的详细说明请参阅指南。I refer myself to your generosity.我指望你的宽宏大量。Don't refer to this matter again, please.请别再提这件事。A good critic will refer back to the text often.好的评论家会时时回顾原文。Please refer to the last page of the book for answers.寻找答案,请查阅书的最后一页。This matter is finished, so please do not refer to it.这事已经结束,所以别再提了。I refer to your recent application and interview and am pleased to offer you the post of editor.参考了你最近的申请和面试表现,我很乐于请你担任编辑一职。I will take the suggestion under advisement, and refer it to the board.对于这项建议,我将咨询专家意见作周密考虑并且提交给董事会处理。For further information, please refer to the relevant leaflet.欲知详情,请参阅有关单页广告。For further details, please refer to page 426.详情请看四百二十六页。I often refer to a dictionary for the spelling of a word.我常翻词典查词的拼写法。Please refer to the table on the following page.请参考下一页的表格。If your GP can't help you he will refer you to a specialist.如果普通医生看不了你的病,他会向你推荐一名专科医生的。What I laughingly refer to as my garden is a corner lot by our postage-stamp size house.我戏称为花园的地方,是我们家那豆腐块大小的屋子旁边的一个犄角旮旯。I'd like to refer to something that was posted in an earlier thread.我想提一下早前的那些帖子中说到的一件事。Jack was careful not to refer to the woman by name.杰克小心翼翼地不去提及那个女人的名字。But he then went on to refer very directly to the argument.不过接下来他就直切主题提到了那场争论。Children at this age commonly refer to being eaten up by tigers and lions and things of that nature.这个年龄的孩童常常讲到被老虎和狮子吃掉以及类似的事情。Only your family doctor can refer you to a surgeon.只有你的家庭医生才能把你介绍给外科医生。Botanists refer this flower to the rose family.植物学家将这花归入蔷薇科。It is no longer politically correct to refer to the educationally subnormal.再说教育上低于正常标准在政治上已经不正确了。 |