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词汇 机关枪
例句 He was machine-gunned in an ambush.在伏击中他被机关枪射中。There was a sudden burst of machine gun fire.突然,机关枪一阵猛烈扫射。The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods.部队的运货卡车遭到了树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。Police units in machine-gun equipped vans are roving the streets.警队开着配有机关枪的警车在街上巡逻。The men were masked and armed with machine guns.这些男子头带面具,手拿机关枪They heard the sound of machine-gun fire.他们听到了机关枪的枪声。We heard a sudden loud burst of machine gun fire.我们听见突然响起了一阵机关枪射击声。Gunmen were firing machine guns from the upper floor of the hospital.持枪歹徒在医院的最高楼层上用机关枪射过来。A machine gun shattered the quiet.一阵机关枪声打破了宁静。Their troops were armed with mortars and machine guns.他们的军队装备有迫击炮和机关枪They blitzed the capital with tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons and machine guns.他们动用坦克、大炮、防空武器和机关枪奇袭了首都。There came the sound of men shouting and a burst of machine-gun fire.传来人们的喊叫声和一阵机关枪扫射声。The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods.陆军的运货卡车遭到了树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。The helicopter hovered above them bristling with machine guns.直升机在他们头顶上盘旋,上面架着许多机关枪The machine-guns spat fire.机关枪吐著火舌。Machine guns mowed down the attackers.机关枪扫灭了进攻者。Machine guns were mounted along the heights behind the town.该城镇后面的高地上架设了机关枪There was a machine gun mounted on the back of the Jeep.吉普车的后部架着一挺机关枪Planes dropped bombs and raked the beach with machine gun fire.飞机投下炸弹,并用机关枪扫射海滩。




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