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词汇 reduction
例句 Until now the Democrats have zealously opposed any reduction in the Healthcare budget.直到现在为止,民主党人都在强烈地反对减少医疗保健方面的预算。The rise in greenhouse gases parallels the reduction in the ozone layer.温室气体在增加的同时,臭氧层在变薄。The group is lobbying for a reduction in defence spending.该团体正在游说政府削减国防开支。A small percentage reduction in the cost of materials would mean a significant increase in profit.材料成本的小幅降低会带来利润的大幅提高。The airline halved its overseas service because of a sharp reduction in traffic.该航空公司因运输量骤降而削减了一半的海外业务。The trial showed a dramatic reduction in side effects.试验表明副作用大幅度下降。A reduction in interest rates would soften the blow of tax increases.减息对增税带来的打击将起到缓和的作用。She had a breast reduction last year.去年她做了个缩胸手术。You may face a reduction or termination of benefits.你可能会面临津贴减少或取消。A reduction in corporate tax should act as a stimulus to economic activity.公司税的降低应该能够成为对经济活动的一种刺激。A reduction in interest rates seems highly unlikely for the present.目前调低利率的可能性似乎极低。The reduction in average working hours has led to an increase in leisure time.平均工作时间的减少使空闲时间增加了。Pallor suggested a marked reduction in the flow of blood in shock.脸色灰白表明受惊时,血液流动明显减少。The changes may result in a greater reduction in employee numbers than we had previously expected.这些变动可能导致超出我们预期的更多雇员的裁减。Abbreviation of sleep means a reduction in REM dreaming.缩短睡眠意味着缩短快速眼动做梦时间。With the reduction in foreign investments, the government will be even more a hostage to the whims of the international oil price.随着外资的减少,政府将更加受制于起伏不定的国际油价。It seems improbable that America's allies will oppose the proposed arms reduction.美国的盟国似乎不大可能反对它提出的裁减武器的建议。The President has put tax reduction on the back burner because he has more urgent problems to deal with.由于有更加紧迫的问题要处理,总统把减税之事暂时搁置了。We offer a reduction for groups of 10 or more.我们对十人或十人以上的团体提供减价优惠。There has been a sharp reduction in the bat population in this region.这个地区的蝙蝠数量已锐减。During the recession, the government opted for a policy of pay/wage restraint rather than a reduction in public investment.在经济衰退时期,政府选择的政策是限制工资增长,而不是削减公共投资。Despite a reduction in earnings there are compensations in moving to the north-east where the quality of life is excellent.尽管收入减少了,但是搬到生活质量优越的东北部还是有一些好处的。Police said they had noticed a significant reduction in crime last year.警方说他们注意到去年的犯罪率大幅下降。Precious few homebuyers will notice any reduction in their monthly repayments.极少数购房者会注意到他们月还款额的减少。With the reduction in the money allowed, we shall have to pull back on our spending.原来答应给的钱减少了,我们得紧缩开支。Most of the staff reduction will be achieved through attrition.人员裁减主要将通过自然缩减来实现。If there was a reduction in fares more people would ride the train to work.如果降低票价,更多人会坐火车去上班。The company has had a reduction in sales.公司的销售额减少了。She proposed a reduction in the state president's powers.她建议削减总统的权力。The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction.公司在降低成本方面付出了艰苦卓绝的努力。He is trying to nail down a missile-reduction agreement with his Russian counterpart.他正试图与俄罗斯的同级官员敲定一项削减导弹的协议。The reduction in funds is throttling the development of new programmes.经费的削减将阻碍新计划的开展。This figures allowed for a future reduction in U.K. interest rates.这一数据考虑到了未来英国利率的下调。The reduction in their grant is an acknowledgement that they have been paid too much.减少对他们的拨款就是承认他们拿得太多了。He is keen to see a general reduction in arms sales given the volatility of the region.由于该地区局势变幻莫测,他十分希望看到武器销售量能整体下滑。There has been a big reduction in the number of issues the president addresses in any given week.总统在一周中所处理的问题已大大减少了。The camera incorporates a redeye reduction facility.这个相机有防红眼功能。Many voters want to see some reduction of the deficit.许多选民希望看到赤字减少。Club root causes swellings on the roots and the effects can range from a reduction in yields to total crop failure.根肿病会导致庄稼根部肿胀,从而导致减产甚至绝收。The missile-reduction treaty makes sweeping cuts, but the arms race isn't over by a long shot.导弹削减条约大幅度减少了导弹数量,然而军备竞赛还远没有停止。




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