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词汇 recommendations
例句 Both House and Senate rely heavily on committee recommendations in making their decisions.参众两院的决策在很大程度上有赖各委员会的咨询意见。Many companies hire through word-of-mouth recommendations from existing employees.许多公司的招聘靠在职员工的口头推荐。Following up on recommendations made last year, the president called for the more efficient use of resources.作为对去年的提议的回应,总统呼吁要更有效地使用各种资源。The report sets out strict inspection procedures to ensure that the recommendations are properly implemented.报告规定了严格的检查程序,以确保建议得到切实执行。The recommendations must be properly implemented.必须合理贯彻这些建议。I don't know anything about cars so I had to take the mechanic's recommendations on trust.我对汽车一窍不通,只好听维修工的意见。Its recommendations are based on detailed comparisons between the public and private sectors.建议是建立在对国营部门与私营部门进行详细比较的基础上的。The education secretary poured cold water on the recommendations of a working party.教育部长对成立工作小组的建议泼了冷水。The government gave assurances that it would implement the recommendations in full.政府保证一定会全力贯彻这一建议。The committee has produced a set of recommendations on ethics in health care.委员会已提出一套医疗保健伦理的建议。Most of the report's recommendations have been accepted by the government.报告中的大部分建议已被政府采纳了。The company backed her judgement and implemented all her recommendations.公司支持她的判断,采纳执行了她所有的建议。The committee's recommendations are unlikely to be made public.委员会的建议不大可能公开。This committee can make recommendations but it has no real teeth.这个委员会可以提出建议,但没有实权。The committee strongly objected to the report's recommendations.委员会强烈反对报告中的建议。The committee made a number of recommendations for improving standards in schools.委员会就提高学校的水平提出了许多建议。An international team has been set up to implement recent UN recommendations.为执行联合国最近的提议成立了一个国际小组。They were accused of trying to emasculate the report's recommendations.他们被指责企图贬低报告的可取之处。Unless the report's recommendations are implemented soon, the future for industry could be very bleak indeed.除非这篇报告中的建议很快实施,否则工业的前景将会非常暗淡。The panel's recommendations went unheeded. 专家小组的建议被忽视了。What are your practical recommendations for a healthy diet?你对健康饮食有哪些可行的建议?It may not always be practicable to follow exactly the recommendations.完全按照建议行事并非总能行得通。Such recommendations will weigh in his favour.这种推荐对他将大有好处。Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.其他建议与具体如何储存这些数据有关。The design of the breakwater was based on the recommendations of an engineering study.这道防浪堤的设计基于一项工程学研究提出的建议。We strongly concur with the recommendations of this report.我们坚决同意这份报告的建议。The board made a unanimous decision to reject the recommendations.董事会一致同意拒绝这些推荐意见。The application requires two written recommendations. 这个申请需要两封书面推荐信。The report made wide-ranging recommendations for government.这份报告给政府提出了多方面的建议。Perry was incensed by the committee's recommendations.佩里被委员会的建议激怒了。The report goes on to make a number of recommendations to improve safety on aircraft.该报告接着提出了一些改善飞机上的安全措施的建议。The committee put forward broad recommendations for the improvement of safety at swimming pools.委员会就加强游泳池的安全保障提出了一些概括性的建议。The governor has yet to move on any of the recommendations in the report.州长对报告中的任何一条建议都尚未有什么动作。It is necessary to exercise caution when making recommendations.提建议时有必要谨慎一些。Lord Justice Woolf will make recommendations for reform in his report.上诉法院法官伍尔夫将在他的报告中提出改革建议。The committee was appointed to make recommendations on housing development in the area.该委员会被任命对这一地区的房屋发展提出建议。Ministers are under no obligation to follow the committee's recommendations.部长不必非得听从委员会的建议。The railway companies seem to completely ignore safety recommendations.铁路公司似乎完全不顾安全建议。Campbell has labelled the commission's recommendations as sheer nonsense.坎贝尔说委员会的建议完全是胡闹。The consultants have made several very good and valid recommendations.顾问提出了几个非常好的有效建议。




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