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Her health problems have put a serious strain on her finances. 她的健康问题给她带来了巨大的经济压力。Its day-to-day finances are in a critical state.其日常财务状况十分严峻。His business background helped him straighten out city finances when he took over.凭着自己的商科背景,他接手后理清了该市的财政状况。Buying a new car need not put a strain on your finances.买一辆新车并不会使你的经济紧张。The company's finances are looking a little precarious.这家公司的财务状况现在看上去有点儿岌岌可危。Family finances prohibited his going to college.家庭经济状况不允许他上大学。Legal expenses had drained his finances, and he could no longer afford to pursue the case.打官司的开销使他失去了大量钱财,他已经无力继续这场官司了。He had drawn up his will and left all his finances in order in preparation for his death.为准备身后事,他立下了遗嘱,把自己所有的资金都安排妥当。His finances were in a razor edge.他的财政情况濒临绝境。Sending their children to college has put/placed a strain on their finances.送孩子读大学加重了他们的经济负担。Our finances were an unholy mess.我们的财务状况简直一团糟。Many of the housing agencies represent a severe drain on the state's finances.许多住房机构严重地消耗了国家的资金。Our finances look better if we include the profit earned on the sale of our London offices.如果我们把出售伦敦分公司所获的利润算进去,资金状况看上去就好些。We keep a tight control on the organization's finances.我们严格控制该组织的资金。They are not allowed to hold data on people's private finances.他们没有获准保留人们的私人财务数据。He is trying to tighten his hold on the company's finances. 他试图加强对公司财务状况的控制。She refused to answer questions about her personal finances.她拒绝回答有关自己个人财务的问题。The family finances are his wife's province.家庭理财属于他妻子的职责范围。The country's finances have improved.这个国家财政状况改善了。An accountant handles the school's finances.一位会计负责管理学校的资金。We uncovered irregularities in the town's finances.我们揭发了这个镇子财政上的违法行为。This report gives a global picture of the company's finances.这份报告对公司的整体财务状况作了说明。She makes sure the organization's finances are in good order.她证实了单位的财务状况良好。The department's finances are currently being reviewed so all expense claims have been put on hold for the meantime.该部门的财务状况目前正在进行审核,所以一切报销已被暂停。I don't want them nosing into my finances.我不想让他们打听我的财务情况。A team of accountants was brought in to straighten out the firm's finances.一组会计被请来清理这家公司的财务。She managed to get the company's finances into a healthy state.她设法使公司的财务进入了良性状态。The whole point of this meeting was to discuss finances.这次会议的主要目的是讨论财政问题。I parted company with my business partners after a dispute about finances.在一次关于财务的争论后,我和我的商业伙伴散伙了。You can only undertake mammoth changes if the finances are there.只有资金到位,你才能进行大刀阔斧的改革。He has been doing all he can to maintain/tighten his grip on the company's finances.他一直竭尽全力维持/加紧对公司财务管理的掌控。The library closed due to a lack of finances.图书馆因缺乏资金而关闭了。His finances were in bad shape.他的经济情况很不好。Be prepared for unexpected news concerning your finances.对财务上的意外状况要做到有备无患。You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances.你可能最终又会把钱投入另一个储蓄计划,在理财方面丝毫没有变得明智些。He tried to recuperate his finances.他试图挽回自己原有的财力。The fact of the matter is that student finances are stretched.关键是奖学金有限。The state has a stranglehold on the city's finances.州政府扼制了市政府的财力。Who's in charge of the club's finances?谁主管俱乐部的财务?Our family finances are not very healthy at the moment.我们家的经济状况目前不是很好。 |