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词汇 Financial
例句 Financial reward is the primary reason most people work.经济收入是大多数人去工作的主要原因。Financial problems have been plaguing their new business partners.财政问题一直困扰着他们的新商业合作伙伴。The Financial Times says the move represents a complete reversal of previous US policy.《金融时报》说此举一反美国以往的政策。Financial success in writing is chancy and something few authors ever attain.靠写作致富是靠不住的,没几个作者能实现。Financial backing for the project is still lacking.这个项目仍然缺少资金支持。Financial experts are trying to save one of Britain's biggest holiday companies from bankruptcy.财务专家正在设法挽救一家英国最大的度假公司,使它免于破产。The Financial Services Act came into operation four years ago.《金融服务业法》于四年前开始实施。Poland's plans to privatize its industry, according to the Financial Times, could run aground for lack of domestic funds.据《金融时报》报道,波兰的工业私有化计划可能会因为缺少国内资金而搁浅。Financial analysts have warned investors not to touch these offers with a ten-foot pole.财经分析家告诫投资者千万不要碰这些报价。The Chief Financial Officer went out to Korea to oversee the merger.财务总监到日本去监管合并的事。Financial aid for Britain has been withheld.向英国提供的经济援助已经被扣。Financial markets were in uproar after the crash of the rouble.卢布暴跌后,金融市场极不稳定。Financial markets have been roiled by the banking crisis.金融市场已被银行危机搅乱。Financial success eluded him.他未能成为有钱人。Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.在国际货币基金组织的帮助下,这个国家得到了财政援助。Financial success is usually predicated on having money or being able to obtain it.先要有钱或者能弄到钱才能够赚钱。Financial problems continued to plague the company.财政问题继续困扰该公司。Financial crises erupt with increasing regularity.金融危机越来越频繁地发生。Financial assistance is available for those who qualify.符合条件的人可以得到经济援助。Financial troubles hindered him from going on the trip.资金问题使他没能去旅行。The editorial in the Financial Times says this argument has lost much of its validity.《金融时报》的社论认为这个观点已不太令人信服。Financial matters are beyond my ken, I'm afraid.金融方面的事我恐怕不懂。Financial, not moral, considerations will prevail in a plutocracy.在富豪当政的国家里,人们见利忘义。Financial assets have the advantage of earning income.金融资产具有赚取收益的优点。Financial experts have detected signs that the economy is beginning to improve.金融专家已经注意到了经济开始有好转的迹象。Financial stress is well established as a chief reason for divorce.经济压力被确认是导致离婚的首要原因。I read him in The Financial Times.我读了他在《金融时报》上的文章。Financial markets have grown in sophistication as well as size.金融市场的规模不断扩大,复杂程度也越来越高。Financial commentators think we'll see the economy starting to pick up early next year.经济评论家认为明年年初我们会看到经济开始好转。Financial factors should not constrain doctors from prescribing the best treatment for patients.经济因素不应该妨碍医生为病人开出最佳处方。Financial rewards and promotion will be linked to performance.经济上的奖赏和晋升将会与个人的表现挂钩。Financial embarrassment made her sell her house.财政拮据逼得她卖掉她自己的房子。Financial analysts expect a bumpy year ahead.金融分析家估计未来的一年将会坎坷不平。




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