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词汇 bashed
例句 Tom bashed his knee against the table.汤姆的膝盖撞到了桌子。I accidentally bashed into a woman pushing a pram.我不小心撞到了一个正推着婴儿车的妇女。I bashed him on the head.我猛打他的头。Someone bashed him over/on the head with a chair.有人用椅子猛击他的头。The table bashed against the wall as they carried it into the kitchen.他们往厨房里搬桌子时,桌子撞到了墙上。She bashed up the car pretty badly.她把汽车撞得面目全非。The two cars bashed into each other.两辆车猛地相撞在一起。He bashed him about with a bludgeon and went on his way.他用大头棒把他乱打一通,然后扬长而去。Up to then, they'd merrily bashed out albums in between tours.直到那时,他们已经利用演出间隙轻松炮制出多张专辑。A group of older girls bashed up the sisters.一帮年龄大些的女孩子将小女孩们揍了一顿。I bashed my arm against the door.我的胳膊狠狠地撞到了门上。Two women were hurt and the chef was bashed over the head with a bottle.两个女人受伤,厨师头部被人用瓶子击中。He bashed out an angry letter to the editor.他草草地给编辑写了一封表达愤怒的信。The two sisters apparently bashed each other up when their long overdue reconciliation turned sour.显然,这姐妹俩早就无法再互相迁就,索性厮打起来。Someone bashed him on the nose.有人猛击他的鼻子。I've been bashed up by people with baseball bats because they said I was thieving on their patch.我被人用棒球球棒打伤了,因为他们说我在他们的地盘上偷东西。I bashed out replies as fast as I could.我马马虎虎用最快的速度写了几封回信。He bashed the desk with his fist.他一拳把书桌砸坏了。Someone bashed him on the back of his head.有人猛击他的后脑勺。He was bashed over the head and left unconscious.他头部受到猛烈撞击,导致昏迷。I bashed my elbow on the door.我用胳膊肘撞门。He had been attacked and bashed about a bit.他遭到袭击,挨了顿揍。She fell down and bashed her knee against a rock.她摔了一跤,膝盖重重地撞在一块石头上。The motorbike had bashed into a wall.摩托车猛撞到墙上。I bashed him on the head and dumped him in the cold, cold water.我猛击他的头部,然后把他扔进了冰冷冰冷的水里。She bashed him with her book.她用书使劲儿打他。He bashed into a tree.他猛地撞到了树上。Somebody bashed his head in.有人把他的头打破了。




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