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词汇 一排排
例句 Row upon row of women surged forwards.一排排的女人涌上前去。There were rows of poles supporting young bean plants.一排排支杆支撑着幼小的豆苗。She smiled at the ranks of cameras.她对着一排排的照相机微笑。There were racks and racks of snazzy swimming trunks.一排排的架子上全是漂亮的泳裤。The shooting-range is lit from underneath by rows of ruby-red light fittings.射击场被一排排深红色的灯光设备从下面照亮了。They walled the garden in with rows of thick shrubs.他们用一排排茂密的灌木丛围住了花园。Portraits line the corridors of the palace.宫殿走廊的墙上挂了一排排的肖像画。Row upon row of landing craft stormed the beach.一排排登陆艇冲向滩头。Banks of electronic equipment burst into life.一排排的电子设备突然运转起来。Support rows of beans with criss-crossed canes.用交错的小竹竿架起一排排的豆荚。His eyes moved up and down the rows of people, looking for his son's face.他的眼睛来回扫视一排排的人,寻找儿子的脸。Lockers lined the hallways.过道里有一排排衣物柜。He cast his eyes at the rows of cabinets that filled the enormous work area.他扫了一眼占满了巨大工作区的一排排柜子。The town of Rockport is full of rows of white clapboard houses.罗克波特镇到处是一排排装有白色护墙板的房子。Her walls became lined with gold and platinum records.她的墙上挂满了一排排金唱片和白金唱片。In the wardrobe department were rows of costumes.戏装部有一排排的戏装。Row after row of orange trees stretched to the horizon.一排排橙子树绵延不绝。Strip malls were springing up all over town, and the local residents were up in arms.镇上突然到处出现了一排排商店,当地居民非常愤怒。On the shelves were rank after rank of liquor bottles.架子上是一排排的酒瓶。He looked down at row upon row of eager faces.他向下看见一排排表情热切的面孔。Human organs, preserved in jars, lined the shelves of the laboratory.实验室的架子上放着一排排保存着各种人体器官的坛子。The auditorium had tiers of seats around and above it.礼堂内四周和上方是一排排的座位。We walked along the beach, past the rows of supine bodies soaking up the sun.我们沿着海滩漫步,一路上到处都是一排排仰卧在海滩上晒太阳的人。Row on row of ticky-tacky houses appear.出现了一排排式样划一的房屋。Fans who couldn't get into the stadium watched the match on banks of TV monitors outside.无法进入体育场的球迷就在场外一排排的电视监视上观看比赛。Books on every conceivable subject lined one wall.靠墙一排排地摆放着所有能想得到的各学科的书。She continued to smile at the ranks of cameras on their doorstep.她依旧对着门口的一排排照相机微笑着。The rows of graves were a mute reminder of the effects of war.一排排坟墓无声地提醒人们战争所带来的后果。The rows of seats in the hall are numbered with letters.大厅里一排排座位均用字母编号。Baxter walked between the rows of chairs.巴克斯特在一排排椅子间穿行。We visited the local markets and saw wonderful arrays of fruit and vegetables.我们去了当地的市场,看见了一排排摆放整齐的水果和蔬菜。Ranks of police guarded the entrance to the base.一排排警察守卫着基地入口。Their vehicles were parked in orderly rows.他们的车一排排井然有序地停放着。The troops stood in ranks.士兵们一排排站好。He saw the rows of fine, old granite buildings.他看到一排排古老而精美的花岗岩建筑。Everyone lines up in ranks, all facing the instructor.大家都面朝教练一排排站好。He carried her bodily past the rows of empty seats.他把她整个儿抱起来,走过一排排空座位。Hospitals always seem so impersonal - rows of identical beds in dull grey rooms.医院看上去总是很没有人情味——灰暗的房间中都是一排排一模一样的病床。The scientists sit behind banks of computers, giving instructions to the crew of the spaceship.科学家们坐在一排排电脑前面,向太空船上的宇航员发布指令。




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