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词汇 reasonable
例句 I've got a reasonable amount of money saved.我攒了不少的一笔钱。If companies expect work during personal time, it's only reasonable to allow personal time at work.如果公司希望员工在私人时间也工作,那么允许员工在工作时间干私活才是合理的。His terms are very reasonable.他开出的价格非常合理。The householder has a duty to take reasonable care for the visitor's safety.房屋主人有责任对来访者的安全给予恰当的关照。The computer is a good performer at a reasonable price.这台电脑物美价廉。It's a reasonable film, but it lacks polish.这是一部还过得去的电影,但是缺乏闪光点。They offer quality at a reasonable price.他们提供的产品品质上乘,价格合理。The shop offers a large selection of leather goods at reasonable prices.这家商店出售的皮革制品种类繁多,价格公道。Any reasonable person can see that it is not fair.任何明事理的人都能看出这不公平。A proposal of that ilk seems reasonable to me.那种提议在我看来似乎是合理的。I think your demand for a higher salary is perfectly reasonable.我认为你加薪的要求完全合理。Tourists have a right to expect a reasonable standard of accommodation.游客们有权期望得到较好的住宿。At the time, what he'd done had seemed reasonable.那时他的所作所为似乎很合理。Other people, myself included, believe that it's reasonable to have a minimum wage.包括我在内的其他人都认为设定最低工资是合理的。She's usually very reasonable as a boss, but now and again her temper flares up.她作为老板通常都很讲道理,不过偶尔也会发发脾气。It seems reasonable to assume they've been tested.似乎有理由认为它们都是已经测试过的。Some insurance companies offer very reasonable terms.有些保险公司提供的条件十分公道。This is the most efficient way to build up and maintain a reasonable level of physical fitness.要让身体达到一定的健康水平并保持下去,这是最有效的办法。You can see why they refused her demand for a pay rise, but from where she stands it probably seemed perfectly reasonable to ask.你能明白他们为什么拒绝了她加薪的要求,但从她的立场来看,提出这个要求似乎是完全合理的。Investors need to separate the wheat from the chaff if they want a reasonable return.投资者如果想得到合理的回报,就需要识别优劣。They sell good-quality computer equipment at reasonable prices.他们出售优质的电脑设备,价格公道。A reasonable number of people turned up for the meeting.有不少人来参加了会议。Everyone is rational though not all are reasonable in judgement.人人都有推理能力,虽则不是人人的判断都明智。The boy answered him in reasonable French.这个男孩用还算流利的法语回答他。We have established beyond all reasonable doubt that the painting was indeed by Rembrandt.我们已经确认,毫无疑问,这幅画的确是伦勃朗的作品。Tomatoes are very reasonable at this time of year.每年这个季节西红柿的价格很划算。We finished within a reasonable amount of time.我们在合理的时间内完成了。He felt he had a reasonable chance of winning.他感觉他还有一些获胜的机会。Most of her work is of a reasonable standard.她的工作大部分都做得不错。We offer our customers a quality product at a reasonable price.我们向顾客提供优质产品,价格合理。She offered a reasonable compromise.她提出了一个合理的折中方案。Marks and Spencer have made a name for themselves as a producer of high quality goods at reasonable prices.玛莎因生产质量高、价格公道的产品而出名。Murder is condemned by all reasonable people.谋杀受到所有明智者的谴责。Make sure that the speakers only talk for a reasonable length of time, so that everyone gets a chance to take part.每位演讲者的发言时间一定要适中;让每个人都有机会参与。Gary was a calm and reasonable man.加里是个沉稳而又通情达理的人。I do expect reasonable politeness and consideration.我真的期待得到应有的礼遇和体贴。We shall give you reasonable time to prepare and present your proposals.我们会给你合理的时间准备和介绍你的提议。Our manager was very sticky about granting even the most reasonable request.我们经理对即使是最合理的要求也很不愿意爽快答允。The house is a reasonable facsimile of his original home.这个房子是他最初那个家的逼真仿建。We ought to be able to discuss this in a sane and reasonable way.我们应该能理智地讨论此事。




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