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词汇 reared
例句 The birds have been successfully reared in captivity.这些鸟儿笼养成功。The dog reared its head and barked.那条狗仰起头汪汪地叫。The horse reared in fright.马受惊吓用后腿直立起来。Jeff was distressed to see the lambs they had reared go off to the abattoir.看到他们养的羔羊被送往屠宰场,杰夫十分难过。They reared their children to be polite and well-mannered.他们把孩子培养成懂礼貌、彬彬有礼的人。Her mother died of cancer and her aunt reared her.她母亲因癌症去世,她姨妈将她抚养大。The kitten was reared on special food.这只小猫是用特别的食物养大的。The unruly beast presently reared himself.这不听话的畜牲立即用后腿站立起来了。The problem of drug-taking in sport has reared its ugly head again.体育界服用药物的现象再次出现。The horse reared and threw him off.马立了起来,把他摔下。The horse reared, throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it.那匹马尥了个蹶子,把骑手掀下马,还撞倒了旁边站着的一个小伙子。The exhibition hall reared above me.展览馆耸立在我面前。The horse reared up and bolted.马儿扬起前腿狂奔起来。The horse reared and tossed off the rider.那匹马前腿腾空,把骑手摔了下去。The horse reared and threw off its rider.那匹马前蹄腾空向后仰,把骑手摔了下去。The familiar spectre of drought and famine has reared its ugly head again.人们所熟悉的干旱和饥饿的凶兆已经再度出现。A riderless horse reared up before her.一匹无人驾驭的马前腿抬起站立在她面前。I was born in Fort Worth but we moved around a lot and I was reared in east Texas.我出生在沃思堡,但由于常搬家,所以我是在得克萨斯州的东部长大的。I was reared in east Texas.我在得克萨斯州东部长大。The horse reared and threw me off.那匹马扬起前蹄,把我摔了下来。The horse kicked and reared, unseating its rider.马猛踢一下用后腿站立,将骑马人摔了下来。The horse suddenly reared up and threw me off.马忽然用后腿直立起来,把我摔下马背。The problem reared its ugly head again a few weeks later.这个令人不愉快的问题几周后又出现了。These calves are reared for beef.这些小牛是作为肉牛饲养的。The mountain reared above the village.村子旁边耸立着一座大山。The tower was reared five hundred years ago.这座塔是五百年前建造的。The horse reared and pitched its rider to the ground.那匹马用后腿直立起来,把骑马者摔到了地上。She was reared in the lap of luxury.她在优裕的环境中长大。The exhibition hall reared above me behind a high fence.高高的围墙后面,展览大厅耸立在我面前。He was reared on comic books. 他是看连环漫画杂志长大的。There was a problem which reared its ugly head about a week after she moved back in.她搬回来大约一周之后,一个问题又重新出现了。She was a little fluffy baby duck which we reared until she was fully grown.它那时还是只毛茸茸的小母鸭,我们一直把它养到羽翼丰满。The mountains reared up on each side, steep and white.两边的山峦高耸入云,山势陡峭、白雪皑皑。The great majority of barn owls are reared in captivity.绝大多数仓鸮都是圈养的。My parents reared me in all the honoured traditions.父母以一切受人尊崇的传统为准则将我抚育成人。The threat of strikes reared its head again this summer.今年夏天再次显露出罢工的势头。Racism once again reared its ugly head during the election campaign.在竞选活动中丑恶的种族主义再次抬头。




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