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As part of the registration process, the applicant will report certain information.作为注册过程的一部分,申请人要提供某些信息。Whether the applicant is a man or a woman doesn't come into it.申请者是男是女并不重要。The applicant must file a written application to the court.申请人必须向法院提交书面申请。The applicant was completely/totally lacking in experience.那个申请人完全/根本没有经验。The company will be conducting applicant screenings Wednesday.公司将在周三对求职人员进行筛选。Every applicant is entitled to good professional advice.每一位申请者都有权得到良好的职业建议。The successful applicant for this job must be able to multitask.应聘者若想成功求得这一职位必须具备同时处理多重任务的能力。The applicant was irredeemably incompetent.申请人的条件差得太远了,根本不能胜任。My first preference is for the applicant from Hong Kong.我的第一选择是来自香港的申请者。The applicant seemed to be equivocating when we asked him about his last job.当我们问到那位申请人上一份工作的时候,他有些含糊其辞。The first applicant we interviewed was definitely a cut above the rest.我们会见的第一个应征者显然比其他人更为优胜。Each applicant is asked to supply a portfolio of work at interview.每名求职者在面试时必须提供自己的作品集。There are some questions about the applicant's mental stability.有些问题是为了测试申请者的精神稳定程度。The successful applicant for the position will be a well-motivated self-starter who has excellent communication skills.能获得这个职位的应聘者必须具有出色的沟通技巧,工作积极主动。Good grooming is itself a recommendation in a job applicant.整洁大方的衣饰本身就是一名求职者的可取之处。The assessment center gives each applicant the opportunity to demonstrate whether they are suited to the work.评估中心给每一位应聘者一个机会证明自己是否合适做这个工作。The applicant has had some experience in this kind of work, and then he is easy to get along with.那位申请人以前做过这种工作,另外此人很容易相处。We need to increase our applicant pool.我们需要增加我们的求职人员储备。Upon a negative decision, the applicant loses the protection offered by Belgian law.一旦得到否定裁决,申请人就失去了比利时法律的保护。The successful applicant will have experience in project management.成功的申请者要有项目管理的经验。The first applicant was recommended by a friend of the boss.第一位求职者是老板的一位朋友推荐的。The licence application must be signed by the applicant or his agent.许可证申请书必须由申请人或其代理人签字。An applicant's age may be taken into consideration in some circumstances.在某种情况下会考虑求职者的年龄。Not every applicant had a degree.不是所有的求职者都有学位。The last applicant was a definite minus.那最后一个申请人肯定是个饭桶。They are sending up a new name/applicant for consideration.他们正打算把新名称/申请人报上去以供考虑。We assess the applicant's history of family illness.我们评估申请人的家族病史。We appreciate your valuable judgments of the applicant.我们感谢你对申请人所作的宝贵评价。In my estimation, the applicant is well qualified for this job.据我看,这位应征者完全具备这项工作的条件。 |