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词汇 ready
例句 His role is to maintain the society's fleet of vans, ready to respond in any emergency.他的工作是保养协会的车队,随时应付紧急情况。Many employers are only too ready to exploit and underpay female part-time workers.许多雇主很会剥削兼职女工,付给她们很微薄的薪水。I merely enquired, without heat, whether she would be ready any time soon.我只是心平气和地问了一下她能否很快准备好。The clothes are quite dry and ready for ironing.这些衣服相当干了,可以熨烫了。He was always ready to split the difference.他总是随时准备妥协。They were ready to die for their beliefs.他们甘愿为信仰而死。He is ready to assume control of the organization.他已做好掌管这个组织的准备。After their championship victory, the team was ready to pop the cork. 锦标赛获胜后,队员们准备开香槟庆祝。Once the coals are ready, close the lid of the barbecue to keep in the heat.煤块生好火以后,盖上烤肉架的盖子保持热量。Are you ready for your test?你为考试做好准备了吗?He's always ready with a quick answer.他总能迅速作答。Call us when you're ready to reorder.准备再订购时给我们打电话。Your suit will be ready to pick up on Wednesday.你的套装星期三就可以取了。Our representatives will be waiting for you to arrive, and ready to help smooth the way.我们的代表将等待您的到来,并随时准备伸出援手,铺平道路。The runners are now limbering up as they get ready for the race.赛跑选手现在正在做热身运动,准备比赛。You're always ready enough to blame someone else for your mistakes.你总是喜欢在自己犯错时去谴责别人。Try to get all your things ready for school the night before.前一天晚上尽量把上学所需的东西都准备好。I'll have some breakfast ready in a few minutes.几分钟后我就能做点儿早饭出来。These letters are ready for you to sign when you have a moment.这些信准备好了,等你空一点的时候签名。They lost time through not having a backup plan ready.他们由于没有备用计划而耽误了时间。John Lee was getting ready to play his stuff.约翰·李正准备演奏他的曲子。The plane stood on the runway ready for takeoff.飞机停在跑道上准备起飞。At the age when most people retire, he is ready to face a new career.在大多数人都退休的年龄,他却准备好面对新的职业。She's always ready to criticize others.她总是动不动就批评别人。The goods were ready for transport.这批货物等待运输。Fraud squad officers had bugged the phone and were ready to pounce.反诈骗小组的警员们已在电话上安装了窃听器,并随时准备突击。The paint's not ready to use when you buy it. You have to mix it with water.这种油漆买来时还不能用,要把它加水搅拌。Are you ready to board, Mr. Daly?.你准备好登机了吗,戴利先生?It won't be ready until next week.这要到下个星期才能准备好。The children are getting ready for bed.孩子们正准备上床。The unions are ready to do a deal over pay.工会准备就工资问题达成协议。The zero-emission care is not ready for mass production.这种无废气排放汽车还不可以大规模生产。It'll be ready by six – no probs.六点前会准备好 — 一定没问题。I'll get the children undressed and ready for bed.我来给孩子们脱衣服,准备睡觉。Pending his return, let us get everything ready.让我们在他回来之前把一切准备就绪。Why does German industry enjoy such a ready supply of well-trained and well-motivated workers?为什么德国工业能有如此现成的训练有素且积极肯干的劳动力资源呢?I cleaned myself up a bit, and got the baby ready.我拾掇了一下自己,把宝宝也收拾妥当。People buy it ready cooked, dolloped from an enamel bowl.这东西在人们买时已煮熟,是从一个搪瓷碗里一份份舀出来的。I swear to God, if you're not ready in five minutes, I'm leaving without you.我向上帝发誓,如果你五分钟还没准备好,我就先走了。Get everything ready beforehand.事先把一切准备好。




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