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词汇 Birds
例句 Birds, sea-life and the coastline all suffered grievously.鸟类、海洋生物及沿海生物均受到严重影响。Birds were chattering somewhere.鸟儿在某处唧唧喳喳地叫着。Birds were circling overhead.鸟儿在头顶上盘旋飞翔。Birds exploit these wind patterns to the fullest.鸟类对各种风型的利用达到了极致。Birds disperse a large proportion of the seeds.鸟传播大部分的种子。Birds have developed a sexual difference in the colours of their feathers.鸟类在羽毛的颜色上显出雌雄差异。Birds control insect pests.鸟类控制虫害。Birds' nests are extraordinary creations.鸟巢是非凡的艺术品。Birds began to sing as the sky paled into dawn.东方泛白、黎明来临时,鸟儿们开始歌唱起来。Birds of prey use air currents to lift them.食肉猛禽利用气流使自己飞起来。Birds fly southward in the fall.鸟儿秋天飞向南方。Birds descend from dinosaurs.鸟类是恐龙的后代。Birds skirred off from the bushes.群鸟嗖地一下飞离了灌木丛。Birds were warbling in the trees.鸟儿在树上鸣啭。Birds were picking over the rubbish washed up on the beach.鸟儿们仔细挑啄着被冲上沙滩的垃圾。Birds have taken up residence in the barn.鸟把巢安在了谷仓里。Birds filled the pale sky.昏暗的天空中到处是飞鸟。Birds are tenants of the trees.鸟儿栖息在树林之中。Birds usually migrate from north to south.鸟类通常从北向南迁徙。Birds flew in circles above the lake.鸟儿在湖上盘旋飞翔。Birds and mammals are warm-blooded.鸟类和哺乳动物都是温血动物。Birds flitted about in the trees above them.鸟儿在他们头顶上的树梢间飞来飞去。Birds puff up their feathers to keep warm.鸟类蓬起羽毛来保暖。Richard Chamberlain has agreed to make a sequel to 'The Thorn Birds'.理查德·张伯伦已经同意接拍《荆棘鸟》的续集。Birds have pecked the sand for crab eggs.鸟啄沙子寻找蟹卵。Birds of many species pair before they display.许多种鸟类在作求偶炫耀行为之前交配。Birds in outside cages develop immunity to airborne bacteria.养在户外笼子里的鸟会对空气传播的细菌产生免疫力。Birds sang cheerfully in the trees.鸟儿在树上欢快地歌唱。Most reputable suppliers advertise in Birds magazine.大多数有良好声誉的供应商都在《群鸟》杂志上做广告。Birds often perch on the ledge outside my window.鸟儿常常在我家窗台上栖息。Hitchcock's film "The Birds’ is a brilliant psychological thriller with a gripping climax.希区柯克的影片《鸟》是部出色的心理恐怖片,有个引人入胜的高潮。Birds, fish, and reptiles are all vertebrates.鸟类、鱼类和爬行动物都是脊椎动物。Birds build their nests by instinct.鸟筑巢出于本能。Birds make nests in preparation for breeding.鸟类筑巢准备产蛋。Birds flitted across the grass.鸟儿掠过草地。Birds dispersed the seeds.鸟类将种子散播开来。Birds, sea-life, and the coastline all suffered grievously.鸟类、海洋生物和海岸线都受到严重损害。Birds chattered in the trees.鸟儿在树上叽叽喳喳。Birds migrate so that they can winter in a warmer country.鸟类定期迁徙,这样它们就可以在更暖和的地方过冬。Birds were already singing in the garden.小鸟已经在花园里歌唱了。




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