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词汇 rattling
例句 You can hear the missing screw rattling around inside.可以听到脱落的螺母在里边哐啷哐啷响。Galton's life makes a rattling good yarn.高尔顿的人生就是一个扣人心弦的绝妙故事。An old song has been rattling around in my head all day.一首老歌在我脑海中回荡了一整天。The car travelled at a rattling pace.汽车轻捷地行驶。They sat together on the rattling tram.他们一起坐在咔嗒咔嗒响的有轨电车上。I heard my mother rattling on and on about the day I get married, what I must wear, how I must act, who I must invite.我听着妈妈喋喋不休地唠叨着我结婚那天应该穿什么,应该怎么做,应该请些什么人。Vane's elegant carriage, drawn by matched greys, came rattling around the house.文乘坐着一辆由同色灰马拉着的雅致马车,嗒嗒地从屋的一角驶过来。What's that funny rattling sound coming from the back of the car?汽车后面传来喀嚓喀嚓的是什么怪声音?He kept rattling away in French.他喋喋不休地用法语讲话。The windows were rattling in their casements.窗户在铰链框中嘎嘎作响。A spout of gravel fell rattling through the trees.一股砾石流稀里哗啦穿过林木倾下。I woke up to the sound of cups and plates rattling, and knew that Dad was already up.我从茶杯和餐盘的叮当声中醒了过来,知道爸爸已经起来了。Do you hear that rattling/buzzing/banging noise?你听见那边咯咯/嗡嗡/砰砰的声音了吗?At that moment, there was a rattling at the door.那时,突然出现咚咚的敲门声。Sometimes, the bolts work loose and start rattling around.有时候螺栓松了就会咯嗒咯嗒地响起来。It is too early to say whether the threats are mere sabre-rattling.现在断言这些威胁是否只是虚张声势还为时过早。There's something rattling inside the washing machine.洗衣机里有什么东西在咯咯作响。She was on the phone for hours last night, just rattling on to her friends.昨晚她打电话没完没了,跟她那些朋友们唠叨了好几个小时。I heard a rattling noise.我听到了咔嗒咔嗒的声音。He came up the drive, rattling a bunch of keys.他从私家车道上走过来,手里当啷当啷地晃着一串钥匙。My car engine is making a strange rattling noise.我的汽车引擎发出一种奇怪的嗒嗒声。The windows were rattling in the wind.窗户被风吹得当啷作响。That window keeps rattling;I must fix a wedge in it to make it stay put.那窗户老是发出格格的响声,我必须敲进一块楔子把它装牢。He kept rattling on in French.他喋喋不休地用法语讲话。Her husband died last year, and now she's just rattling around in that huge house by herself.丈夫去年去世了,现在她只能独自住在那空荡荡的大房子里。The car is making an ominous rattling sound.汽车在发出一种不祥的咔嗒咔嗒声。What the situation calls for is calm discussion – not sabre-rattling.这种局面要的是心平气和的讨论,而不是虚声恫吓。We're rattling around in this big house.我们现在住的房子太大了。We don't want to move, but we're rattling around in our large house.我们不想搬走,但是我们现在的房子太大了。The truck pulled away, and she listened to the rattling noises fade down the lane.卡车开走了,她听见卡车的隆隆声越来越远。




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